Showing Posts For MentalOriental.6179:

The Benefits of dating a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: MentalOriental.6179


For her
- Singer, guitarist, bassist and drummer for all your serenade needs
- He’ll cook, clean, do the grocery shopping and watch a movie with you at the same time.
- He only lasts 5 minutes. But with all clones out it adds up to the national average

For him
- She’s once, twice, four times a lady

Why would someone do this to a Charr?

in Mesmer

Posted by: MentalOriental.6179


It’s like when those people put silly hats on their cats and dogs. And you can see the embarrassment in their eyes.

Bug or feature? Blink - camera turns 180°

in Mesmer

Posted by: MentalOriental.6179


It happens to me a lot too. Almost every time I blink off a knockdown.

Phantasm Clone Trick :3

in Mesmer

Posted by: MentalOriental.6179


Will try this later. Thanks for the tip

Interesting Combo with Sword/Focus

in Mesmer

Posted by: MentalOriental.6179


Very nice tip. Thank you.

Sword/Focus is how I rip mobs apart in the fastest way possible. This will make it even faster :O

How To Play?: My Eternal Struggle

in Mesmer

Posted by: MentalOriental.6179


Checking these forums daily can also be fruitful. The amount of things you can learn from other people’s experience or even little throwaway comments is surprising.

As others have said it does have a high learning curve and even after you think you have mastered the class you can learn new things that you can incorporate into your play style.

As a personal example, I reached level 80 without ever using Blink. The ability is heavily praised in these forums so I tried using it. At first I just used it for travel. Then I found it was a great defensive ability. Now I can use it to support other players and even as a damage dealing tool (the ability doesn’t do damage itself, but using it for positioning helps me to optimise my melee abilities).

I first played Mesmer just for the style, but found that it’s like meeting a beautiful woman and discovering that she has a lot of substance underneath the pretty face.

Blink working as intended?

in Mesmer

Posted by: MentalOriental.6179


Works for tiny drops. I always Blink to the first trap chain in AC after the doors open.

How To Play?: My Eternal Struggle

in Mesmer

Posted by: MentalOriental.6179


Look up “MrPrometheus” in YouTube. He has about 4 guides so far that are dedicated to the Mesmer. These guides are helpful for beginners and even experienced players.

My other suggestion is to try out some obvious basic builds like the Phantasm build. After playing with a build for a while you can then decide to branch out and try new traits or play styles.

An understanding of at least one basic build will give you a good place to fall back on.

Chasing the Skritt burglar as a Mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: MentalOriental.6179


That makes sense.

The reason I took Rune of Centaur was for the +power stats to balance out my Ravager’s gear. I have all Berserker’s stuff in Rings/Accessories/Weapons. The speed boost was a nice bonus. But I guess this is another topic altogether.

Blink would probably help with the burglar. I can’t live without it so I have it on no matter what setup I have.

But again I’ve not seen this skritt myself so this is all theorycraft on my part

What is your best solo story?

in Mesmer

Posted by: MentalOriental.6179


I have a level 80 Ele and I have never felt as empowered with it as I do with a Mesmer.
I feel like we can get things done.

At Timberline Falls in Nonmoa Lake there’s a krait witch that appears at the top of the scaffolding in the middle of the area.

I was finishing up the map taking poi’s and hearts when I just could not stand her blasphemy anymore. She was shouting for about ten minutes and just wouldn’t shut up.

So I swam over there, killed my way to the top and shoved my staff into her mouth well and good with no help from any other soul.

With that done I dived back into the lake and continued my exploration in peace.

Chasing the Skritt burglar as a Mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: MentalOriental.6179


I haven’t come across it myself. But I’m hoping that my exploration loadout of Sword/Focus and GS will be enough to do something about him with the Temporal Curtain and iBerserker crippling.

I also have Rune of the Centaur equipped for more speed if I need it.

Way of the Mesmer (Build Guide and Story)

in Mesmer

Posted by: MentalOriental.6179


That was very interesting. Well done!