Showing Posts For Merle Schwarz.1078:

GW1 Armor Skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Merle Schwarz.1078

Merle Schwarz.1078

Do you mean the armor skins or the costumes?
In case of armor skins you’d get +1 from me. I would really really like to see my human ranger in the good ol’ kurzick armor again none of the current armor skins fits my taste of fashion.
I think it is a shame to loose those really great skins of gw1 and it’s sad towards the artists who designed it for gw1.
The costumes are somewhat interesting to have as town clothing but too flashy as armor skins.

what timezone is update?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Merle Schwarz.1078

Merle Schwarz.1078

release is supposedly like all the other patches don’ you think? in middle europe its like 9pm… which is good cuz after worktime. just would be nice if they could let us download the update early enough to log right in. germany has some really bad internet connections outside the larger cities… (-_-) y-~~~

Dungeon Completion tracker

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Merle Schwarz.1078

Merle Schwarz.1078

Apparently not. If I could see which paths in the dungeons i already cleared I surely wouldn’t bring up such an old topic, would I?
For example: The Information that I cleared 3 of 4 paths doesn’t state which path has yet to be done… -_-

Dungeon Completion tracker

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Merle Schwarz.1078

Merle Schwarz.1078

Maybe it IS a good idea to bring up some of the things they did want to repolish(not saying: making it right). Just to remember ArenaNet what the players really want as PERMANENT improvements… instead of bringing out a TEMPORARY content called “living story” every 2 weeks.

(edited by Merle Schwarz.1078)

Dungeon Completion tracker

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Merle Schwarz.1078

Merle Schwarz.1078

I don’t know much about programming games but how much of a problem can it be to show the list of available Paths in the achievement window of the respective dungeon (the completed paths with a nice little green check mark on the side)?

Seriously this topic is awefully old and there’s still no solution for this?

Disconneects prevent getting achievment

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Merle Schwarz.1078

Merle Schwarz.1078

Okay, I tried partying with others… Went well so far until Scarlet was at aproximatedly 1% HP. Then the whole map had a disconnect. Some optimistic folks wrote tickets… but .. oh well. Let’s leave it like this.

Disconneects prevent getting achievment

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Merle Schwarz.1078

Merle Schwarz.1078

So basicly all I have to do is to group up with total strangers ( who don’t even speak my language on an overflow map) to try to get back on in the right map after disconnect hoping they didn’t kick me from the party after me logging off for several minutes it takes to reconnect?
Sounds so simple yet never came to me. Thank you guys! Will try this on the next invasion.

Although this seems a fair solution it’s still a bit kittened that you have to resort to such a mechanic… Anyway thanks a bunch!

Disconneects prevent getting achievment

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Merle Schwarz.1078

Merle Schwarz.1078

What purpose is there not starting in ALL overflow maps this tiring event?
I live in the countryside with internet connection of “DSL RAM 1000” (Yes there’re no zeros missing… -.-) with inordinate disconnects on a fairly regular basis and therefore I have trouble getting the hang to this event.
I have to admit that the timer of just 1 hour isn’t too long but does it hurt to enable the invasion events on ALL overflow maps and not just on the ones created withing the first 10 minutes of the invasion start?

I don’t want to complain too much but every time I get on a map with an active invasion I can bet my saraly on the almost 100% chance of getting a disconnect.
I understand that you don’t want to reward the late comers and such on the same basis as the ones that were fighting all the time but just to get the achievment wouldn’t hurt to give them also a chance wouldn’t it?

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Merle Schwarz.1078

Merle Schwarz.1078

How about starting and stickying a new Post-Patch Build thread? Many of these builds no longer work as intended.

And what, do that every time they have a patch? No, some builds still work/need small amount of change and how hard is it to just simply see when the build was posted and know that it was before/after the patch?

danbuter is right.
The most posts in this thread are really old and the builds in there mostly trash. Thinking myself of a way or another seems more helpful than some of the posted builds. A clean up would be nice. Also a sticky post with up-to-date-builds would be greatly appreciated.

Is Thief still fun for you?

in Thief

Posted by: Merle Schwarz.1078

Merle Schwarz.1078

I still have fun with my thief… in role play forums.

Ingame it’s a hassle to play this class so i leveled almost any other class up to 80 and log on my thief only if i need something from its inventory. Seriously! It was the first character created last summer and i still want to play the thief, but the way it’s right now it’s no good.