Showing Posts For Metaseven.5932: If you wanna see the Mini drop from the Wurms
We downed it on Deso ^^ also we streamed Desolation 18:00
Main problem,as we see it,is the last 2minute timer. Why would they make a 2min timer,and add another 10sec of wiggly wurms being invulnerable? Technically we get 1:50 to kill the wiggly heads,instead of those 2:00. Trust me,that would make a difference.
Simply? If it was simply a dps check,people would already be killing the wurm. Instead,no one did yet.
Dash,there is no exact spot if it is in front or in the back. Somewhere,around the middle,you hit his stomach and his head at the same time,hence the 2x dmg
I think I am still having one…
Desolation 22:00
People just weren’t getting eaten by Amber. (aside from massive deaths)
Desolation kitten ed out at 20:00
Blobing 2 heads,while the 3rd is close to a 100% you call taking the lead?
Not sure what you mean by that Vol,but we sure are in overflow even 1h:20mins before the Wurm,and it gets hard capped so fast.
Desolation 18:00
I’ve also got Marionette Muter. And couple of my friends got the same. So I can tell you,it is not bugged.
I do indeed plan to update and am currently playing around with the patch to see what’s happened.
Looking forward to it