Showing Posts For Mexxer.5096:

FotM smells like version of Raiding !

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


not many people are embracing this change and I can see why. Sorry to say, but I don’t see Arenanet changing the update just because the forum community disagrees with it :/

but needless to say, you do make a valid point lol

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


so much for Guild wars 2 not being a grind-fest….the grind required to get good gear in this game is on par with Korean grind-fests

Looks like game really did fail to live up to the hype big time

I'm just not happy with this game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


I strongly agree with what he had to say in regards to game design and dungeons….This game promised soo much more and they even made soo many bold claims about how Guild wars 2 wouldn’t be a grind-fest yet this game ended up having a grind just as bad a Korean mmo’s…atleast World of Warcraft let you gear your character with a reasonable cap

Its sad to see how Arenanet ruined this game because of their lust for punishing “bots” and so called “exploiters”

ooh yeah…I like they “optimised” the game for medium/ low end pc’s…..wouldn’t hold my breathe for that to happen anytime soon

Why dont i want to play this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


I topped playing primarily because this game has become a tedious grind-fest

back when the game released and prior to that..yes, back in those Beta weekend Events, this game looked so ever promising and to be honest, it was perfect and hands down the best game on the market. …. However, upon release, it seems like Anet have made it their dedicated job to make this game harder, more grind-fest oriented and only bearable for bots…all of which obviously came as a surprise but I guess I should have seen this coming, the game was too good to be true anyways

atm there’s not much to do anymore…..I cant even play because if i wanted to “explore” or even go to a nearby city or hell…even go to the next zone i’ll have to pay a kitten-load of money just because I’m level 80

sad to say…this game will be getting uninstalled in the nearby future :/

I Really don't like getting only Tokens from dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


“I Really don’t like getting only Tokens from dungeons.” – I concur

MMO Manifesto vs. what we have now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


I really hate the fact that they went against their word about making the game a grind-fest when as soon as you hit level 80 its “Welcome to Grind-fest 2” ….This isn’t an opinion..its a FACT

Now for those of you who may disagree and say “just play for fun”…goodluck with that when the game aims to keep you on a gold deficit upon reaching level 80, when waypoints and repairs are your biggest fears…ever had to run through a dungeon hoping for sweet rewards only to have your team disband on you near the last boss and end up with nothing but a repair bill of over 20 silver…goodluck grinding that money back because you’ll lose it even quicker next time

All in all, I’m just saying that Anet went against their word to keep the game as fun as they promised it would be…none of these problems occurred during the Beta tests because no one was getting insta-banned for “exploiting” then and gear wasn’t x10’s the price it is now

Level 80 Player's Problems With the Undead (Orr/Risen) Zones

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


Orr turned out to be the total opposite of what I had in mind….despite how horible the zones look (sure i get the undead theme) but the mobs hit like a truck and are always grouped up as well but the WORST part and the thing that let me down the most about the whole zone in general was the loot

I mean seriously, are the mobs saving up the loot for someone else or something…you’d think level 80 mobs would be more giving and generous in terms of loot…but in Guild wars 2 thats just wishful thinking :/

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


there are no raids or competitive pve, why u want gear??

if you would atleast take the time to read the post then you wouldn’t be asking mundane questions

How GW2 IS becoming a "Grind" -MY thoughts.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


This post made for a wonderful read and I agreed with most if not all of the statements you raised above. Personally I really enjoyed this game alot and it was well worth the money especially since its not pay 2 play. HOWEVER, as soon as you hit level 80 (especially these days) you’re in for one hell of a surprise. Come to think of it, the game has the players crippled in terms of the gear they can attain from the get-go and it seems like things are going to get worse and worse, to the point where pve is going to be completely ignored (this will obviously result in a lot of people quitting the game)

I really hope Arenanet do something about the game’s current grind-fest treadmill because atm its absolutely horrendous and mind-numbing to say the least…ive seen better grind-fests in Korean games…just saying

This is not good communication with players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


Wow..I agree with this post on so many levels…why cant we play the game you made without being labelled exploiters when its YOU guys who made the game this way, atleast take the items away from the player not punish them for an error within the game that was made present by lack of testing and revision

With the way things are going, its only going to be so long before you can even comment anythin on the forums without being banned for having an honest opinion

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


By now you’re probably tired of your character roaming the wonderful world of Tyria in rags for gear so you want to get yourself geared up and looking pretty awsome. I’d hate to burst your bubble but unfortunately due to the current nature of this game, despite which ever way you decide to take to gear up your character its going to be one hell of a grind. Why, well, lets see shall we….

The most obvious route that you’ll think of is gearing up through Karma….that is of course until you realise that one piece of gear will cost you 40k Karma and from level 1-80 levelling you’ll get approximately 30k – 35k depending on whether or not you spent any karma on your way up (I only bought 3 items because i wanted to save up for level 80) .

So now that you’ve realised that the Karma you’ve amassed through all your levelling isn’t even enough to buy you one piece of level 80 gear you’re probably thinking “its okay, ill just do dungeons in Explorable mode”. This is fine and all, until you realise that you’ll need to do at least 8 runs per dungeon for ONE piece of gear, go ahead and do the math for your full set…and try to maintain your sanity while you repeatedly plough through what was at first a really fun experience over and over again…

Your last option is obtaining gear by using gold to buy it/ levelling your crafts so you can make your own gear. Unless you’re one of the people willing to “play the Trading Post” then we both know that isn’t going to happen as the costs for levelling your craft and then making the gear will easily amount to 15 gold +
Goodluck trying to use dungeons for making gold as that as also been nerfed

The point I’m trying to make is Arenanet, can you please re-evaluate the costs of gear in this game because at the moment its insane to expect a “casual player” to attain good gear without loosing their sanity. One of the best things I liked about this company prior to the game’s release was how much you wanted to incorporate “fun” into the game. Having to grind day and night after reaching Level 80 for some gear is far from fun and because of that I had to give up pve because the gear-grind-treadmill you currently have players running is just plain wrong and goes against everything the game stands for

p.s. NO..I did not rush to level 80 I took part in as many events as I could and tried my best to attain as much gold as I could along the way only to be disappointed upon hitting level 80.

TL:DR Can you please fix the gear costs in this game so their at least realisticly attainable for the “average player” – without losing their sanity

*This game is supposed to be about fun, so why does the gearing process have to take that away from the game. Just a thought

It's not that I am bored @ 80, the grind is just crazy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


I couldnt agree more, they seriously need to tone down the grinding for gear in this game its freakin insane …36 runs just for a full set -.-’

I thought this game was meant to favour “casual gamers” yet the costs for gear in this gear in insane..the amount of runs needed for one piece of gear will leave you hating the dungeon

Don't Cave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


I agree about not caving in to the customer’s complaints about end-game and early nerfs to certain classes cough Thieves and their heart-seeker spam kills cough but I also want to point out that there are some things in the game that might need to get look at i.e. the difficulty in personal story seems to make it as if the personal story quests should be for atleast 2 people but that can also be looked as a good thing since you’ll get to explore other sides of the game incase you never create the certain race

Game Optimization for Low/medium computers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


Hey I was wondering if Arenanet will ever look into optimizing the game for low/average computers because at the moment it kind of sucks having to play such a beautiful and well made mmo while having everything set to the lowest.

I considered myself to have a decent computer as I could easily run most mmo’s with game settings set to high or atleast medium and be able to play with 60 fps, but with Guild wars 2 I have to set everything to the lowest just to squeeze out about 20-30 fps when soloing – I’ve had to put W v W on hold because despite how fun it was, it always became a slide-show for me because of the low fps.

I’ve tried everything from changing my graphic card settings, updating it and even testing out a lot of the game’s settings but I guess it might come down to the game needing to be optimised

I know some people might suggest I “just get an upgrade” for w/e pc components, but please try and consider the fact that not everyone can afford to just buy and upgrade their pc at any given time. Was also kind of let down since my pc passed easily when I used “Can you Run it” to test how fast it would be able to run Guild wars 2

Computer specs:
Intel® Core™ i5 CPU M 460 @ 2.53GHz
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 – (512 MB Dedicated Video RAM )

Guild Wars 2 Mesmer Countless PvP montage 1 HD

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


Hands down one of the best Mesmer videos on Youtube and I really liked the intro as well

was wondering if you could make guides on how to counter other classes as a Mesmer or atleast continue uploading more videos