Showing Posts For Mezoo.2417:
I cant do any dungeon right now because whenever i do a dungeon ( different ones ) i always keep getting 15 tokens 5 silvers and 44k exp only rather than 60 tokens.
this is just sad so please try to fix it .
Today night i went to Citidal of Flame Explorer mode dungeon and after i finished it for the first time of the day doing path 2 and all i got in the end was 15 tokens, 6 silver and 44k exp only ? i hope arenanet fixes this fast.
(edited by Mezoo.2417)
Hey guys recently i was thinking of going for this build :
This build is focusing mainly on tanky-ness with supporting the group .
Do you think that its viable in PVE specially dungeons?
what do you think is better for this build Sword shield or mace shield?