Showing Posts For MichaelArchangel.7251:

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: MichaelArchangel.7251


My issue is mainly this……….

3. Burst Damage – We’ve all seen the screenshots of the 1 second burst ability of a thief. We’ve probably all looked at our combat log to see Steal – CnD – BS is all they needed to kill us. The major problem with this is Toughness failing to scale. 23k kill shots were1 glass cannon blowing up another glass cannon with the aid of the projectile bug (fixed). But when a lvl 80 exotic geared toughness build gets one-shot, people tend to get pretty antsy. Atm, our armour value is actually doing very little to protect us, while gearing towards pure damage is rewarding because of this fact.

I’m running a 26k health lvl 80 warrior with dolyak signet, carrying almost 2.9k in armor, specced into toughness….. and I’m getting burned down in <2 sec by thieves. That….. is some serious BS. Worse yet, is I only have ONE retaliation tool available to me, and I MIGHT HAVE TO take it just to keep them off of me.

I like thieves. I have one. But their burst potential is too much.

As to this comment:

everyone who cries “OP THIEF” needs to roll a thief and realize that they are not. Thieves do EXTREMELY WELL against people who don’t know what they’re doing (that’s about 85%+ of this community.. I’m not being mean it’s just by playing this game for the past few months in spvp and WvW, there are more terrible players than skilled ones.) So OF COURSE there’s going to be lots of people crying OP, yet the funny thing is that thieves actually need several buffs in different departments. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t main thief.

You’re full of it. I’m regularly able to pretty much smash kitten near anything else. Thief…. again…. when I’m dropped 23k+ in the first hit….. I really can’t do much of crap.