Showing Posts For Midgard.4239:
The way you mentioned it in the OP should be enough, but most people seem to not bother reading it properly or just don’t understand it anyway. Kind of sad
Take it easy Mike, you know what they don’t understand and what you do know. Keep up the great work.
Yeah, both of you should go back and read the first part of the OP. It says something about unpredictable effects hint hint. Don’t blame other people when both of you are obivously not able to interpret this part.
The day this experiment went ‘live’, a ton of people suddently experienced a load of connection problems (not disconnects but rather network issues without the connection being terminated). What a coincidence, huh? Did it not come to your mind, that the client-sided tuning could’ve possibly gone slightly wrong? Or that the tuning could’ve caused an unexpected amount of load on the servers? Of course not. I know that the Latency Tuning has nothing to do with the network-frames. But however, an unfortunate series of events could very well cause a serious network problem for some clients, even without the tuning being involved.
Also, this is not about bashing Mike or any other member of ArenaNet. I’m pretty sure you’re doing an excellent job. But looking into the recently reported problems would be a charm as a lot of players seem to be affected. And I hope that the source is found and fixed asap.
EU player here. I actually wondered and called my ISP yesterday telling him that they should check the connection as the game got horribly unresponsive since like thursday morning CEST. Skills, dodges, harvesting and the likes go off on an approx. one second delay, which is extremely difficult to deal with. Ping is ranging from 80 to 2200 instead of the 40-50 I’ve been having before.
I really appreciate the effort you guys put into this game and I hope you’ll look into that and fix it asap…