Showing Posts For MidgetBeaver.7935:

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MidgetBeaver.7935


Hello Guild Wars 2 forum and

Today (02/08/2015) me and a few of my guild members wanted to go through Arah Story mode to finish my personal story. I have a lvl 80 Charr Warrior, my first and only character, but all of my party members were experienced players, all on lvl 80 characters. We knew that there were a few well-known bugs in this instance, like the one with the Chopper not moving and blocking progress. But when we went through the first part of the instance and arrived at the airship, things got buggy.

For example:

  • The repair anvil on the airship was not usable (could’nt interact)
  • When a necromancer in my party attempted to use Well of Blood or other wells, the skills went on cooldown but no effect was visible. No graphic/animation of the well on the terrain, no damage, nothing at all.
  • The turrets, which the party is supposed to use to deflect the giant attacks, were not interactable. On mouse over, a cog instead of the mouse cursor appears and the turret lights up, as if it was an interactable asset.

This is mostly all that we observed while in the instance. We did try a few things to fix it, but none of them worked.

We tried:

  • Reloging everyone
  • Opening the instance again via a diffrent party member
  • Restarting the whole instance multiple times

Thank you for reading, hope this gets fixed soon.
