Showing Posts For MikeSw.3041:
In your other situation, as a mesmer, you could break stun?shatter or drop a chaos field under you(as immo) is a condition. Then move from there.
If you’re having trouble clicking with blink, there is an option in your menus to cast it wherever you have your cursor at the time. Also, everything in PvP is situational.
What you don’t want to understand is that there isn’t a recipe that works every time. Your ideas shows me you don’t play a mesmer so basically you’re talking theories. I play exclusively a mesmer, i’ve tried all the tricks and chances are that when you’re fighting a thief/warrior which have OP combos, your tricks are on CD and you have less than 1s to do something.
Break stun – solves stun but not the immobilize condition, so bring one but wait.. that arcane thievery has 1/4s casting time and 45 CD and doesn’t work every time, while other condi removals either take to much time to remove condi or have a dead wieght like mantra of resolve which needs recharging. And boy conditions do fly in pvp.
Shatter – you need illusions up. Try create some without a target (stealthed thief). Also requires you to run a power build or else the shattering just makes the thief/warrior laugh.
Chaos field – you probably meant chaos storm. It requires Staff equipped and aiblity ready to go. Same for chaos armor.
The option to autocast fields where the mouse arrow is. Horrible to use as you need the mouse to actually steer the toon when you’re moving so you’ll cast the spell somewhere random. And in blink case that doesn’t prevent a thief or anyone with a leap skill to jump straight at you, while you didn’t escape and just wasted a stun breaker.
Sometimes you can do something and you might escape, most of the time you don’t. The reason build X is considered OP is because you don’t have a real counter or you have to change your whole build just to counter it.
As you’re saying, all sPvp is situational, the problem is I can’t change my build in mid combat to deal with a specific build.
Imo this thread will actually go nowhere, regardless of the good intentions, because in order to counter X you have to do Y which in turn requires Z and oh .. look, the next enemy has a differen build that needs the counter build A which requires B etc.
At best, this thread can contain general tips&tricks when using a profession, but not a collection of recipes of ’how to counter build ’.
So as a tip for mesmer, always stack toughness (so that you’ll get only 5-6k dmg instead of 10k+) and use the Staff to have Phase retreat ready.
How to counter Mesmer Moa?
If you can see it, you can run or interrupt. If you get moa-ed just run. I’ve been moa’d several times in the same round and I’ve survived every time. The only scenario where you’re toast is if you get immobilized/stunned and get bursted.
(edited by MikeSw.3041)
Let me tell you the perfect combo for a thief: Basilisk Venom + whatever attack you want. Since turned to stone for 1.5 seconds means you can’t do anything , you are dead. A thief only needs less than 1 s to kill you. How do you escape that?
Another great combo, I can escape that only if I’m very lucky (as a mesmer): stun + immobilize + attack. I have to have a stun breaker ready + a condi removal / phase retreat. Now most of the time it isn’t 1 vs 1 so chances are that the stun breaker/condi removal are on CD. And I have less than 1s to react and use 2 skills.
Yes, stack toughness and vitality and you lose ‘only’ 50% HP. Yeah and what next? Everybody plays bunker except thieves. GG
FYI I can survive 90% of times if I’m not stunned/dazed+immobilized.
About blink, let me tell you the funny story. I have to press blink + set the destination + click again to actually teleport and it’s quite funny to aim inside the kitten range while dodging or moving around. But managed to do that, no problem and in the same instant I’ve teleported the same thief leaped at me and proceed to auto attack. Basically I’ve just moved the fight to another place.
So blink is prety unreliable as an escape, dodge can’t happen if you’re rooted. Every solution to the thief problem is quite situational and it has prerequisites. And how many times I was figthing another class, having <50% HP and bam a thief comes out from nowhere and proceeds to down me before I can do anything. That on a mesmer with 2800+ /2900 armor and 16k HP.
Bottom line, you have to be lucky and hope that:
1. thief doesn’t use stun+immobilize / basilisks venom
2. you aren’t with utils on CD or fighting another enemy.
While 2 can apply to any profession, thieves do high damage easily so most of the time you’re dead. Btw I can say that the same problem is with warriors too. Eviscerate does way to much damage to a high armor spec.