Showing Posts For MikejayXD.5076:
Should I use my crafting materials before the 15th patch? I thought they would allow the trade in of the materials :/ . I have gotten most or if not all the skins from rank 1 – 40 so i don’t know what to do with the materials other than to make dyes!
Cool thanks guys
What will happen to the pvp skins I have in my pvp locker? Will I be able to convert them to armor in pve?
I dont know how to feel for these new changes. I’ve put in a lot of time into pvp and its hard to see my rank go to waste. My goal for a shark finisher is now over so im not very happy. I am happy that I do have some time spent into pve so that I can allow my sylvari ele to strut its plant stuff instead of wearing non-plant like armor. I do hope that removing glory will get us recompensated for the time and effort into doing pvp. The rewards currently earned shouldnt go to waste as well as lots of us have spent a lot of time winning chests to further our pvp collections. Thanks anet for allowing us to present our ideas as a community to give us the gaming experience we deserve. I hope you take everyones opinion into consideration.
Can I use my pvp skins in pve? I’ve bought lots of gem store skins for pvp looks in the pvp locker.
Please Anet respond ASAP, I’d like to play without redownloading. Any tips on how to fix this? It happened after repairing data archive. Heres an image of my download so far.
I’m really annoyed at how I have to redownload guildwars again after the update seemed to fail. I’m not even halfway there and its been 3 hours. Anet please help. I want to play again :’(
Fixed, found out my mail is maxed out. Don’t worry
I purchased the aetherblade medium skin but I haven’t received it yet.
Please fix soon, I’m not very happy due to the hard work I have put in to get it.
Still hasn’t fixed for mine yourfriendmarvin :O idk bout u guys. Anybody’s queues fixed?
same prooblem here!!!!!4 days
Whew, I’m not the only one! Hopefully Arenanet will see the problem soon and fix it for us. It’s still bugged for me and I haven’t been able to finish my monthly achievements because of it.
I tried and joined solo on Tournament PVP and when the full team was made and ready to join map I was not able to get in. Please fix this pronto, I finally got into doing tournaments and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who is experiencing this problem. Thanks