Showing Posts For MilgoEU.9561:

Music of Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: MilgoEU.9561


Crystal Oasis is one of my favourite from Guild Wars. All the memories from years back rushed me when I entered Glint’s Lair in GW2, and I loved it. Thank you so much!

Name Questions? Please read [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MilgoEU.9561


I made my GW2 account last April, shortly before the 1st BWE. Somehow I missed on the registration site that the display name will be shown ingame, and people will recognize me by that. So I messed up badly, and I want to drop the ‘EU’ since then.

Furthermore I dont really play my ‘Milgo * insert surname *’ chars anymore, confusing my guildmates also. You can imagine how frustrating it can be.

I will praise the day when Anet allow us to change display name, even if it’s a one-time allowance.