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Fixing Ranger Sword should be a Priority

in Ranger

Posted by: Minardi.8276


I like the sample skill 1 idea

Fixing Ranger Sword should be a Priority

in Ranger

Posted by: Minardi.8276


I want ranger to get a buff as well but I think that would be too op. Trust me. I know the pain you’re going through wanting a ranger buff. but that would be too strong.

Ranger needs a buff... (my throughts)

in Ranger

Posted by: Minardi.8276


In gw1 I loved how everything was team based. Everyone contributed something to the team. Gw2 it’s everyone for themselves. Which I find dumb. What’s the point of being in a party or a “guild” if you don’t work as a team? Look closer to how gw1 was balanced and the failure of gw2 trying to make everyone out to do your own thing all alone like a loner. It’s boring. It’s why I stopped playing this game and HoT got me back in and now I am like… wow Anet didn’t learn a thing.

Ranger needs a buff... (my throughts)

in Ranger

Posted by: Minardi.8276


Daze doesn’t cut it. Still too low on damage. Cool down is too low and when we’re chilled, it’s especially a problem. I have a better shot surviving on my ele or Mesmer. It’s almost unfair. Evasion? All we have to do is run because we can’t kill 1v1. Even if I am more skilled all I do is run. That’s not what this game is about. If you played gw1 it gave flexibility to take your own skills and custom your build. If I am forced to have a fixed 5 skill sets atleast balance them along with the utility. You tell me. Do you want to fight a rampage warrior berserker with your ranger? I doubt it.

Ranger needs a buff... (my throughts)

in Ranger

Posted by: Minardi.8276


they are not going to buff rangers. rangers have always been at the bottom since gw1. we need stability, and a better cooldown on the signet of stone. and i am almost 100% sure anet is not going to give us that. if they do give us that, they are going to nerf the druid healing and screw up our toughness. so I am giving up the hope that rangers will ever shine.

Ranger needs a buff... (my throughts)

in Ranger

Posted by: Minardi.8276


in PvE, healing role is awesome. I am glad they made us be able to do that. but when it comes down to WvW or PvP. we are good as bugs. minion mancer, reapers, mesmers, warrior on rampage with hammer. our trait line is too weak to fight 1v1 with other classes.

Ranger needs a buff... (my throughts)

in Ranger

Posted by: Minardi.8276


why do i even bother complaining… they nerfed the druid healing and they are going to screw rangers up once again. no point. gg.

Ranger needs a buff... (my throughts)

in Ranger

Posted by: Minardi.8276


After dueling and comparing many classes and trying out different builds, I came to a conclusion that right now, ranger/druid is in need of a big rework. I kid you not, please read carefully before you say “Oh what are you talking about? Rangers and druids don’t need a buff they are plenty strong already. You lack the skill”. Believe me, its not the skill, and its not the build, because I tested out many different trait lines and builds already against my guild mates. They all agree that something is wrong with the ranger/druid class because its weakness is so obvious. its the trait line of the rangers that are weak in comparison to other classes. People like me, I main support class. Guardian, Rangers/Druid and etc. But the main thing that supports need is to survive and be the last one to die they can’t go down before the front line dies otherwise that would be a useless support. They need to be tough enough to support from the back and out maneuver the enemy. Thieves, Mesmers, Warriors and etc all have either stealth, clones, and so forth to confuse, stun, knockdown and etc. Rangers? we have a god kitten bow that is useless, no stability skill, damage is almost none, and when enemy gets in close range, its GG. I tested out for over 1 months of competitive gameplay almost non stop since HoT came out about seeing if this game is balanced, and my final conclusion now is that it is NOT balanced especially for this class. I understand that if you main another class, you don’t want another competitor coming up but the ladder. But I am a veteran of Guildwars, and ever since GW1, Ranger class NEVER got any highlights in the game. EVER. They die so easy and you can’t even imagine the stress of seeing a Ranger who had so many potential dying… once again.

There are several problems that I would like to mention both pros and cons of the ranger class.

I will start with the cons first.

1. In PvE rangers can out maneuver the AI and survive. Its not that R/D are strong, its just that the AI is weak and has no focus. So stop calling Druids and Rangers don’t need a buff.

2. In WvW, Every class should be able to contribute their skill ability. The fact that GW2 is still stuck with the Zerker meta is a big issue that i have. Druids and Rangers are so weak that when we are targeted, we go down like bugs being squished. Trust me because I tried out EVERY build. I know what you’re about to say, Toughness and Vitality. Nope.

—> This is what happened when I built tank.

1. I lacked the damage in order to take out the enemy
2. Celestial form runs out so fast that I can’t do anything while in it. (works in pve because AI is not smart enough to focus) All I do in Cele form is heal and when Cele form gets CC’d its game over. Also in a tanky build, you sacrifice your healing power.
3. If the enemy has condition damage + power +precision you are literally screwed getting melted. There is no way around it because you DO NO DAMAGE.

okay, so you know what LETS BUILD CELE build. again… NOPE.

this is what happened when i build cele ranger.

1. skill trait lines don’t give you enough to out manuever players who do too much DPS. Reapers with chill, and etc already screw up the cooldown in a ranger skill which already lack in attack speed and cooldown. Mesmers with daze and stun also fks you up. and cele build sacrifice so much stats that again, you’re left with no other option but running like a pansie.