Showing Posts For Mirror.4703:

Game may freeze on startup, needs PC restart

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mirror.4703


This just started happening in the past week or so. Sometimes when I start the game it will essentially freeze— I say essentially because it happens a bit differently each time. Sometimes the game will “grey out” at character select and not let me click on anything. If I alt-tab then I can’t click anything until I restart— it’s as if I have the mouse unplugged during this but built-in tools like trackpads don’t work either. I know this sounds like a computer issue but it’s only GW2 that this happens with and it only started recently.

The second type of freeze is where the game doesn’t appear at all after the launcher disappears, except the music starts playing and the cursor turns into the GW2 cursor. It’s as if the game window is open in that I can’t click on anything on my desktop (including task manager). Even if I alt-tab, the cursor stays as the Gw2 cursor and the only way to resolve this is to restart my computer.

These weird freezes only happen about ~20% of the time so the game is still technically playable… but it’s pretty frustrating when it does happen. I can’t think of anything that would cause this on my end since nothing else has changed.