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22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mithik.2903


Posting this here because my thread got locked:

Spent $2500 didn’t even get a potion.

Let me start by stating the title was an a lie, not because it was an exaggeration, but because I used other means of getting the same item. That means was not told at first, the patch notes states:

“Personalized Trick-or-Treat Bags can be found in the Consumable section of the Gem Store for 100 gems apiece, 375 gems for a pack of 5, or 2,000 gems for a pack of 35.”
Also note how it says 2000 gems there, we’ll get back to that later.

A personalized trick or treat bag is 750 gems for 35 on the AH. And for $50 you get 4000 gems. That is 185 bags.

I just bought 10000 bags trying to get an endless tonic, guess what I got, nothing. That was the equivalent of 212000 gems or $2500.

There is two huge issues with the current way to get Halloween items, the first is RNG and the second is the price of the gem store. The RNG has been with us from the start in the Mystic Forge and Black lion chests but the fact that keep the % chance of items dropping secret is the worst part.

The second issue I have is that increase of price of the items you are making available to people. As stated earlier, the patch notes were almost double what the in game value was so at some point in time it was discussed that they wanted to charge us $25+ for 35 trick or treat bags. I also spent 100 gold on black lion keys, opened around 200 chests and got 1 skin and 4 shoulders. Even that 100 gold alone is 10000 gems or $120 and this is with the market at it’s worst yet, only a few weeks ago did I get 16000 gems for 50 gold.

All that is happening at the moment is they are causing the prices of gems to skyrocket and the price of gold to be worthless as you can not use it for any of the event’s. This needs to stop, people need to be able to buy what they want off the gem store for a reasonable amount not have to gamble it all with an unspecified chance of success.

People seemed to thing that I was angry that I lost money, that isn’t the issue for me as I have a lot of it, I am more having issues with the direction the game is going where over half of the new items implemented are using a RNG system on a cash shop.

Attached is a screenshot of me wasting $50 on some bags that netted me around 50 silver of items.


Spent $2500 didn't even get a potion.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mithik.2903


the Personal bags are untradable, you cannot buy them from the TP, the ones you bought were the normal trick or treat bags.

sorry but this data is irrelevant.

Actually you can get the personal bags from kids. The bags are identical.

Spent $2500 didn't even get a potion.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mithik.2903


Let me start by stating the title was an a lie, not because it was an exaggeration, but because I used other means of getting the same item. That means was not told at first, the patch notes states:

“Personalized Trick-or-Treat Bags can be found in the Consumable section of the Gem Store for 100 gems apiece, 375 gems for a pack of 5, or 2,000 gems for a pack of 35.”
Also note how it says 2000 gems there, we’ll get back to that later.

A personalized trick or treat bag is 750 gems for 35 on the AH. And for $50 you get 4000 gems. That is 185 bags.

I just bought 10000 bags trying to get an endless tonic, guess what I got, nothing. That was the equivalent of 212000 gems or $2500.

There is two huge issues with the current way to get Halloween items, the first is RNG and the second is the price of the gem store. The RNG has been with us from the start in the Mystic Forge and Black lion chests but the fact that keep the % chance of items dropping secret is the worst part.

The second issue I have is that increase of price of the items you are making available to people. As stated earlier, the patch notes were almost double what the in game value was so at some point in time it was discussed that they wanted to charge us $25+ for 35 trick or treat bags. I also spent 100 gold on black lion keys, opened around 200 chests and got 1 skin and 4 shoulders. Even that 100 gold alone is 10000 gems or $120 and this is with the market at it’s worst yet, only a few weeks ago did I get 16000 gems for 50 gold.

All that is happening at the moment is they are causing the prices of gems to skyrocket and the price of gold to be worthless as you can not use it for any of the event’s. This needs to stop, people need to be able to buy what they want off the AH for a reasonable amount not have to gamble it all with an unspecified chance of success.

Attached is a screenshot of me wasting $50 on some bags that netted me around 50 silver of items.

Edit to clear some things up:

the Personal bags are untradable, you cannot buy them from the TP, the ones you bought were the normal trick or treat bags.

sorry but this data is irrelevant.

Actually you can get the personal bags from kids. The bags are identical.


(edited by Mithik.2903)

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Mithik.2903


Dire post’s doesn’t even state which Foefire he has, there is also no image, pay him no attention.

Central Invasion of Orr event bugged (IoJ)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mithik.2903


Not to mention the people that want it to finish their legendary, myself included. This surely is a simple fix and they have ignored it since the first week and it has only got worse to the point that the event stage doesn’t even spawn.

Transferring from a New Account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mithik.2903


They still haven’t responded to my friends support ticket and they are completely ignoring this thread.

It’s only a matter of time before this affects 90% of the games population as the gold cap is way too low and never resets. Every 10 or so hours it allows you to send 1 gold, that is absolutely ridiculous as the average level 80 is farming 2-3 gold an hour let alone anything he makes on auction house.

If someone gets lucky enough to find an exotic of rage item, sells it then mails the money to a friend good luck getting it back as that will easily hit the cap for most players.

Transferring from a New Account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mithik.2903


Yes he sent in increments so he could no longer send any more. All the way down to 2 copper. It is an overall limit, but it doesn’t take into account where the money originated. It is all money straight from the auction house from selling stuff transferred to me to pay back debts and it has reached a total that he can no longer send to anyone. There doesn’t seem to be a reset timer either, or not a clear one for sure.

Transferring from a New Account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mithik.2903


Just encountered this today. Me and a friend have had our accounts since 3 day head start launch and regularly send each other money to buy items and then send the money back when we have it to repay each other. We only ever mail each other money yet today he hit the so called cap. He owes me around 50 gold for very rare items that I contributed almost all my money for and now I have no way of getting it back.

We waited until WvW reset at 1am and nothing happened, still not able to contribute.

It’s not like this is even stopping gold spammers as they use hacked accounts to transfer.

Soulbound Runes/Sigils

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mithik.2903


Dungeons are not the only way to gain these runes, it seems counter productive that people should need to farm dungeons just to get a set of runes that they desire.

Soulbound Runes/Sigils

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mithik.2903


Can anyone explain to me why certain sigils or runes are soulbound to the character.

The affected runes include, nobel, golemancer and more and there is nothing hugely unique about the sets to set them to force them soulbound only. It is nearly impossible for a player to aquire a whole set this way and it is even a searchable function on the auction house.

I am unaware if this is a bug however it seems as if they have been directly set this way for some reason, could someone please enlighten me.