THANK YOU A-NET! I love that you are going to give us all this new content every month, in a fun and interesting way. Its amazing, awesome, wonderful. That said everything is still bugged on my server, and it’s frustrating, and the one time event would maybe be better as a one day event that repeats a couple of times? I was there for it, but just the end since it started at the exact time i needed to leave to get my kid at school. If it was still a one day event it would be unique but give more people the opportunity to experience it. And I think the scavenger hunt type quest lines are great, but better instanced, like some people said. As for the new dungeon, I love it! The idea behind is so fresh! But I know me and other guildies kept experiencing Serious GW2 errors and would be kicked out and forced to start again. I feel like there should be a certain amount of time before you reset a dungeon on people. DC’s, errors, ect happen.