Showing Posts For Monarch.5406:

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Monarch.5406


Tired of disorganized WvW, PUGing dungeons, soloing hearts and DEs?

Do you feel like you don’t really know your guildies? Sick of guild drama?

Are you simply looking for MORE in Guild Wars 2?

Take your MMO experience to the next level and join [LaZy], a structured PVX guild where you can meet people from all walks of life all over the world who can help you accomplish your goals in-game.

Mesmers Lose Out With Sunrise/Twilight

in Crafting

Posted by: Monarch.5406


As a mesmer who was considering crafting Sunrise, this news is very disheartening. I didn’t think about the lack of particle effects on the skill #1 auto-attack. If the surge beam was updated with legendary effects, that would make it worthwhile (ie: something that would make it equal to the painterly effect of a warrior/guardian swinging the sword).