Showing Posts For Monkines.5829:

Seeking clarification on the Profanity Filter

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Monkines.5829


False positives occur even with prior investigation… but clearly the system as it is seems out of control. What is the “acceptable” proportion of false positives ?
For me it seems there are too much messages in these forums (quickly closed ones) regardind these issues to be just some sporadic false positives.

Injustice is what makes some people not relax at all.

(edited by Monkines.5829)

Complaints about Suspensions for Unacceptable Names/Chat [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Monkines.5829


@Morian : i am not trying to convince you at all. You trust that the policy in place leads to a good community and i trust the opposite. Don’t say for me what i am not saying.

I am not trying to defend people that insult others as you seem to say. I am not insulting anyone in game and i don’t like harsh/rude talking myself.

I just say, abusing is not only “offensive talking” or via “chatting” alone. It seems that only these types are adressed at the moment. Because these are the only ones that give traces in log ?

There are a lot of ways that someone else can abuse you and degrade your playing experience but will never be punished…… so they will increase. I would not take examples not to give ideas to abusers.

Reporting others itself may become a way of abusing others…

Behaviors are not so easy to control and too much strict/automatic systems (only for productivity… not for anything else) leads to unexpected behaviors that are often worse than those which are fighted.

As a lot people is saying : level of offensiveness is different from one country to another and from one person to another… now with this system we are going to the lesser level of tolerance.

So all this is just a “make-up” to be “different”. But difference does not mean better in the long run to create a good community with people communicating with each other with some freedom. I think that this will lead to more hypocrisy between players, other abusing behaviors than talking ones etc… But you know ? i don’t mind… let’s have Anet try this policy we will see and have the community they dreamed let’s go on the long run ^^

(i quote someone : “is the game turning into a point where no player wants to disagree with a player in map chat in case they get reported by someone either having a bad day or just too click happy and end up with a 72 hour ban for getting misconstrued?”)

Complaints about Suspensions for Unacceptable Names/Chat [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Monkines.5829


Just my opinion on this suspension/banning system.
It seems to me that the current system fills the illusion that a strict system will force people to be happy and gentle with others… like a “happiness dictatorship”.
It will not work at all.

As it is, i think this system may lead to 2 things :
-lots of players will be reporting other players more and more as they have been reported themselves and learn how it is used. Then leading people to auto-control themselves like devs want to. But also leading to abuse of it… so many reportings will lead to less investigation and more automatic suspensions… so leading to more reporting.

-people may stop interact with others they do not know (pugs, maps) being afraid of being reported for saying yes or saying no. what a community !

This is really far from a real players community in the future.

A lot of people and young ones are going to abuse reporting other players (because “it’s so easy” and smart and funny and because devs really give account suspensions only for “talking faults” and not behavior ones… ).

You may be suspended by a young that you call “noob” in pug because he does play lonely without listening the others on the tactics, and above all because he reports you for that. But he will not get suspended as he quits fractal group as the instance owner last stage wasting 1 hour of playing for the other 4 players there that cannot finish the run. Why ? because you even not know how to report that and no matter he reported you before. True story.

Sorry if my english is difficult to read as i am not fluent in this language.

I would like to quote Ishochinhwa.1648 that has some examples of what is going to fail in near future with this system (too easy to abuse it so many people is going to abuse it) :

there is so many loophole to this 3 days suspension I can already think of.

1) What reference does Anet support staff use to clearly distinguish the context of the situation. E.g. in your case, what if the other guy is really trolling and wiping and wasting your time just to get you suspended?

2) Is offensive word a clear indication of inappropriate language? So if somehow I managed to make someone send me a message to spell out offensive word, is that considered inappropriate?

3) If I managed to masked my insult behind sarcasm or use a different (non-English) offensive word and ask someone to look up the meaning is it considered an inappropriate language?

4) If I lashed out at someone and then realized that oh I actually clicked the wrong person and send the message by mistake. Does a simple statement at the end “I’m sorry, I thought I’m sending this message to a close friend as a joke?” serve as a cheap method of dishing insult and then putting in the phrase just to appear in the chat log as a ‘mistake’ oops.

5) WvWvW enemy guild members mass report some poor player from opponent

6) Taunting other players through other means “emote, body language, or currently playing offensive choir bell song?”

7) throwing insult to other player just to get them to insult you back but if you report them first, who gets banned?

There is so many grey area in this matter and it’s ridiculous that such a ‘heavy punishment’ is given out according to the Anet after ‘heavy review and consideration’ when they can’t even give us the chat log and explaining the logic behind their ‘heavy review and consideration’. Yeah right then I’m just going to insult a player and then end it with ‘oops, my bad I’m sorry I thought I was messaging my little brother sooo sorry’.

Anet moral police = fail.