Showing Posts For Monsieur LeGrow.2973:
Currently, as I see it, there are two incentives regarding WvW which take effect apart from each other:
1) Loot from kills/rank chests, etc.
2) War score
At the moment 1) is dominant and as for the rewads for agressive, large-blob playstyle in contrast to small group roaming, scouting and defending objectives are (much) smaller, the much criticised karma-training is encouraged in a way that it almost becomes the sole rewarding kind to play WvW at all. I’m not just talking about, or demanding greater rewards for defending etc. (as there still are problems like botting) but the efforts of fewer people trying to do so are negated by large zergs that simply do not care or even see it in a positive way to being able to recapture an object and again claim type 1) rewards for that.
Of course, giving higher rewards for defending could reduce this problem in a certain way, but apart from (again) the bot problem and the manner in which this can or can not be controlled, still the discrepancy between the two reward types remains.
As long as this dichotomy persists, people will always tend to play WvW in a style that isn’t about winning a matchup but about reward type 1) and the time, it takes to claim a certain amount of it (in terms of forts/keeps/etc. per time unit).
There are a lot of good propositions regarding the “karma train problem” concerning rewards and/or game mechanics in this thread and I’d wish that some of them would just get tried out on a base of shorter (e.g. 4-week) tournamets/seasons because the only way of sorting this problem out lies in practise rather than theory.
As for changing game mechanics like, for example the AoE cap, the often criticised circumstance of WvW not having changed in any way from the start on would be adressed and people would have to develop new strategies facing different settings of rules.
As for rewards, I believe, things can only get better for the existant rewards completely negate the way WvW should work in terms of a stronger linkage between type 1) and 2) rewards and being a competitive PvP success-/ rather than loot-oriented game mode.
I’d even go so far to try removing in-match capturing rewards completely for one season and see what happens to WvW participation. For the greater rewards for defending ended in a failure, this might even be the last logical, reward-based step granting the possibility of changing WvW playstyle. Furthermore, rewards could also be granted every 15min-turn on a basis of war score points and individual player participation (e.g. determined by the amount and quality (gold/silver/bronze) of non-rewarding events completed).
There’s a lot of possibilities – I’d just like to see them trialed so that the community can give more specific input about their experiences with them resulting in a better learning process to improve overall WvW experience.
Concerning EU servers, you might wanna check out vabbi.