Showing Posts For Moods.9631:

[Video] Princess Cay, Beta Soulbeast Roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Moods.9631


Careful posting power builds, the meta crowd might get offended :P

On a more serious note, looks fun, looking forward to 22nd

Desolation - [FURY] guild recruitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Moods.9631


Exactly what I’m looking for but transferring to Desolation isn’t possible

Love the new patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moods.9631


Completely agree, i put the game down cause HoT didnt suit my playstyle, but now I am really enjoying it.

[EU] lf a guild with active voicecomms

in Looking for...

Posted by: Moods.9631


Hey guys,

I am looking for a guild that isnt too big, preferably below 100 people and with active voicecomms.

Looking for a place to experience all of the content the game offers, I am currently leveling up my Ranger, I do have a Mesmer and Elementalist at 80, but I am looking to play Druid so thats why I am leveling.

I am 32 years old from Denmark, have played MMO’s since 99. I am friendly, helpful and always up for a good laugh.

My characters are located on Gandara.

[EU] [PvX] Divine Knights of Balthazar [DKB]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Moods.9631


Returning player, also looking for a new place to call home for HoT, leveling a Ranger right now to unlock Druid. Poke me ingame for a chat if you want more info