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An alternate scoring system. Accounting for population differences.

in WvW

Posted by: Moose.6294


My Solution

-To come up with a system to balance and reinforce enjoyment of WvWvW
-Do it so that everyone’s efforts are Equal and Contributing at any time without any form of punishment/disadvantage


-Current problem creating issue of night capping arises from the PPT system, or the potential for it to “Run Away” with itself if a server can get a +600 PPT for a certain particular amount of time if no resistance is met. If said situation occurs over a 8 hour period, 19200 points is awarded, If it repeats over consecutive days demoralization occurs as other servers in match up fall away in point score and unofficially declare the “Match Over”

Proposed solution

Combination of the old system with emphasis on 12 hour periods where the scoring system remains equal regardless of opposition met, population of other servers, Timezones.

Except you now Get Victory points

Victory Points are to be awarded after every 12 hours [(Set) Yes I’m stealing a idea from Tennis here, bear with me its 0040 in the morning for me and for lack of a better word] Who ever has the highest score with the current system wins the set with the points system being

Winner = 3 Point
2nd Place = 2 Point
Last Place = 1 Point

PPT accumulated scores reset back to 0 and the next set begins.

At the end of the 2 Weeks the Victory Points are added up with the winner being the one with the most points


Server A has Good Daytime / Ok Night time
Server B has Good Daytime / Good Night time
Server C has Ok Daytime / Good Night time

So looking at this setup its fair to say

Servers A B will do well during the day, C might struggle
Server B and C will do Well during the Night, A Might Struggle

Match Plays out over 12 Sets (6 Days) with the following

Set 1 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 2 A 1 B 3 C 2
Set 3 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 4 A 1 B 2 C 3
Set 5 A 2 B 3 C 1
Set 6 A 1 B 3 C 2
Set 7 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 8 A 1 B 2 C 3
Set 9 A 2 B 3 C 1
Set 10 A 1 B 2 C 3
Set 11 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 12 A 1 B 2 C 3

Server A 22
Server B 28
Server C 22

So in this outcome as Team B has the Balanced Day/Night Ration compared to the other 2 servers after 12 Sets it would be declared the Winner right

But this is half the change

Look at it again

Set 1 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 2 A 2 B 3 C 2
Set 3 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 4 A 1 B 2 C 4
Set 5 A 2 B 3 C 1
Set 6 A 1 B 3 C 3
Set 7 A 4 B 2 C 2
Set 8 A 1 B 2 C 3
Set 9 A 3 B 3 C 1
Set 10 A 2 B 2 C 5
Set 11 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 12 A 1 B 2 C 3

Server A 26
Server B 28
Server C 27

What the hell happened in this match up

Stone Mist Castle

Currently worth 35 + on its own

will now be worth 100 Points (Debatable)

Now your thinking Moose WTF Man??

here’s where it gets interesting

The emphasis is now on SM to attack it because its worth so many points, come on its a Awesome castle deserving to be God Like

At a Price

Notice how in some of the Match the loosing servers gained extra points? This is a result of a new Condition

“When 1st Ranked server holds SM and looses it to either 2nd or 3rd place server, these servers gain a bonus Victory Point as a “Humiliation” factor to the best server loosing to a lower ranked server"

“If first place re-captures Stone mist, off one of the other 2 servers, it is awarded no bonus, other than being able to have another chance at solidifying their lead”

“However a new Bonus Points is up for grabs it the other servers can take it”

“In case of two Drawing servers for first , the bonus point system is NOT awarded”

- In Summary

This scoring system in regards to the one week or 2 week matches that ANET will end up deciding on, emphasizes that each set is as important as the first ones, right down to the last one, with the Stone Mist Wild card, able to allow lower ranked servers the chance to claw back, should the leading server allow the to,


Everyone’s Efforts, regardless of timezone, location, “Primetime” matters to the final outcome

In Summary

Your System
-Actively DISADVANTAGES people due to prevent score blow out due to match up server population disadvantages
-Includes a system to assist with servers lacking in a timezone to claw additional points
-Snowball games can still happen, Games can still run away

My system
-Ensures everyone contribution is equal at any time of the day, at anytime of the match
-Includes a system to assist with servers lacking in a timezone to claw additional points
-Promotes that even the last 2 Sets can still be just as important then the current over by Monday system

An alternate scoring system. Accounting for population differences.

in WvW

Posted by: Moose.6294


“Basically an interesting thing happened that I honestly didnt expect. Because the model was predicting that an overpopulated server would quickly take the map, the bonus had little effect in increasing the score of the other two servers. It did however lower the score of the oceanic server by almost 10k.”

“To the person saying that oceanics would be ‘worth less’. Thats hogwash. Currently they are worth much more than a primetime player, this brings their worth in line, makes it equal. And rewards effort against fighting advisories while still giving an advantage to a server with more people.”

Bullkitten, there I said it

You just went a made a system that “REDUCED” the Oceanic contribution, therefore making the current flawed system “Oceanic players are more important than North American players” and changed it to “North American Players are more important than Oceanic players” WITHOUT solving anything, Bravo

Your system flies against Anet’s wishes for a system that doesn’t penalize anyone regardless of Timezone.

“Server 1, is a popular US server with no significant help from outside its timezone, it gets really full during primetime
Server 2, is a less popular US server barely reaching queue at primetime, but has an oceanic presense.
Server 3, is an underpopulated server stuck in the matchup.”

Define your Oceanic Presence on Server 2

Your system takes a specific servers problem and then goes and dumps it on 2 other servers if it becomes a

Heavy NA, Moderate Oceanic
Moderate NA, Moderate Oceanic
Moderate NA, Heavy Oceanic

Pray Tell this doesn’t happen

Moderate NA, Average Oceanic
Heavy NA, Heavy Oceanic
Average NA, Moderate Oceanic

Server B gets stuffed right to hell and back with a Match up long debuff against it..

IF a group cant take a tower at any time and get the +15 Points for it, compared to the other servers, it isn’t going to be implemented, ANET DO NOT want to have people thinking they are Second Class Citizens

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Moose.6294



-To come up with a system to balance and reinforce enjoyment of WvWvW
-Do it so that everyone’s efforts are Equal and Contributing at any time without any form of punishment/disadvantage


-Current problem creating issue of night capping arises from the PPT system, or the potential for it to “Run Away” with itself if a server can get a +600 PPT for a certain particular amount of time if no resistance is met. If said situation occurs over a 8 hour period, 19200 points is awarded, If it repeats over consecutive days demoralization occurs as other servers in match up fall away in point score and unofficially declare the “Match Over”

Proposed solution

Combination of the old system with emphasis on 12 hour periods where the scoring system remains equal regardless of opposition met, population of other servers, Timezones.

Except you now Get Victory points

Victory Points are to be awarded after every 12 hours [(Set) Yes I’m stealing a idea from Tennis here, bear with me its 0040 in the morning for me and for lack of a better word] Who ever has the highest score with the current system wins the set with the points system being

Winner = 3 Point
2nd Place = 2 Point
Last Place = 1 Point

PPT accumulated scores reset back to 0 and the next set begins.

At the end of the 2 Weeks the Victory Points are added up with the winner being the one with the most points


Server A has Good Daytime / Ok Night time
Server B has Good Daytime / Good Night time
Server C has Ok Daytime / Good Night time

So looking at this setup its fair to say

Servers A B will do well during the day, C might struggle
Server B and C will do Well during the Night, A Might Struggle

Match Plays out over 12 Sets (6 Days) with the following

Set 1 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 2 A 1 B 3 C 2
Set 3 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 4 A 1 B 2 C 3
Set 5 A 2 B 3 C 1
Set 6 A 1 B 3 C 2
Set 7 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 8 A 1 B 2 C 3
Set 9 A 2 B 3 C 1
Set 10 A 1 B 2 C 3
Set 11 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 12 A 1 B 2 C 3

Server A 22
Server B 28
Server C 22

So in this outcome as Team B has the Balanced Day/Night Ration compared to the other 2 servers after 12 Sets it would be declared the Winner right

But this is half the change

Look at it again

Set 1 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 2 A 2 B 3 C 2
Set 3 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 4 A 1 B 2 C 4
Set 5 A 2 B 3 C 1
Set 6 A 1 B 3 C 3
Set 7 A 4 B 2 C 2
Set 8 A 1 B 2 C 3
Set 9 A 3 B 3 C 1
Set 10 A 2 B 2 C 5
Set 11 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 12 A 1 B 2 C 3

Server A 26
Server B 28
Server C 27

What the hell happened in this match up

Stone Mist Castle

Currently worth 35 + on its own

will now be worth 100 Points (Debatable)

Now your thinking Moose WTF Man??

here’s where it gets interesting

The emphasis is now on SM to attack it because its worth so many points, come on its a Awesome castle deserving to be God Like

At a Price

Notice how in some of the Match the loosing servers gained extra points? This is a result of a new Condition

“When 1st Ranked server holds SM and looses it to either 2nd or 3rd place server, these servers gain a bonus Victory Point as a “Humiliation” factor to the best server loosing to a lower ranked server"

“If first place re-captures Stone mist, off one of the other 2 servers, it is awarded no bonus, other than being able to have another chance at solidifying their lead”

“However a new Bonus Points is up for grabs it the other servers can take it”

“In case of two Drawing servers for first , the bonus point system is NOT awarded”

- In Summary

This scoring system in regards to the one week or 2 week matches that ANET will end up deciding on, emphasizes that each set is as important as the first ones, right down to the last one, with the Stone Mist Wild card, able to allow lower ranked servers the chance to claw back, should the leading server allow the to,


Everyone’s Efforts, regardless of timezone, location, “Primetime” matters to the final outcome

Just who is the Best server?

Night Capping

in WvW

Posted by: Moose.6294


This is my idea, which i “think” might be the fairest way to ensure that everyone can contribute EQUALLY and play in WvWvW without feeling their efforts are hopeless

WvWvW Balancing Idea for Night Capping issues

in WvW

Posted by: Moose.6294


does it need more work?

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Moose.6294


Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Moose.6294


Ahem…..Incoming Wall of Text


-To come up with a system to balance and reinforce enjoyment of WvWvW
-Do it so that everyone’s efforts are Equal and Contributing at any time without any form of punishment/disadvantage


-Current problem creating issue of night capping arises from the PPT system, or the potential for it to “Run Away” with itself if a server can get a +600 PPT for a certain particular amount of time if no resistance is met. If said situation occurs over a 8 hour period, 19200 points is awarded, If it repeats over consecutive days demoralization occurs as other servers in match up fall away in point score and unofficially declare the “Match Over”

Proposed solution

Combination of the old system with emphasis on 12 hour periods where the scoring system remains equal regardless of opposition met, population of other servers, Timezones.

Except you now Get Victory points

Victory Points are to be awarded after every 12 hours [(Set) Yes I’m stealing a idea from Tennis here, bear with me its 0040 in the morning for me and for lack of a better word] Who ever has the highest score with the current system wins the set with the points system being

Winner = 3 Point
2nd Place = 2 Point
Last Place = 1 Point

PPT accumulated scores reset back to 0 and the next set begins.

At the end of the 2 Weeks the Victory Points are added up with the winner being the one with the most points


Server A has Good Daytime / Ok Night time
Server B has Good Daytime / Good Night time
Server C has Ok Daytime / Good Night time

So looking at this setup its fair to say

Servers A B will do well during the day, C might struggle
Server B and C will do Well during the Night, A Might Struggle

Match Plays out over 12 Sets (6 Days) with the following

Set 1 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 2 A 1 B 3 C 2
Set 3 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 4 A 1 B 2 C 3
Set 5 A 2 B 3 C 1
Set 6 A 1 B 3 C 2
Set 7 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 8 A 1 B 2 C 3
Set 9 A 2 B 3 C 1
Set 10 A 1 B 2 C 3
Set 11 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 12 A 1 B 2 C 3

Server A 22
Server B 28
Server C 22

So in this outcome as Team B has the Balanced Day/Night Ration compared to the other 2 servers after 12 Sets it would be declared the Winner right

But this is half the change

Look at it again

Set 1 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 2 A 2 B 3 C 2
Set 3 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 4 A 1 B 2 C 4
Set 5 A 2 B 3 C 1
Set 6 A 1 B 3 C 3
Set 7 A 4 B 2 C 2
Set 8 A 1 B 2 C 3
Set 9 A 3 B 3 C 1
Set 10 A 2 B 2 C 5
Set 11 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 12 A 1 B 2 C 3

Server A 26
Server B 28
Server C 27

What the hell happened in this match up

Stone Mist Castle

Currently worth 35 + on its own

will now be worth 100 Points (Debatable)

Now your thinking Moose WTF Man??

here’s where it gets interesting

The emphasis is now on SM to attack it because its worth so many points, come on its a Awesome castle deserving to be God Like

At a Price

Notice how in some of the Match the loosing servers gained extra points? This is a result of a new Condition

“When 1st Ranked server holds SM and looses it to either 2nd or 3rd place server, these servers gain a bonus Victory Point as a “Humiliation” factor to the best server loosing to a lower ranked server"

“If first place re-captures Stone mist, off one of the other 2 servers, it is awarded no bonus, other than being able to have another chance at solidifying their lead”

“However a new Bonus Points is up for grabs it the other servers can take it”

“In case of two Drawing servers for first , the bonus point system is NOT awarded”

- In Summary

This scoring system in regards to the one week or 2 week matches that ANET will end up deciding on, emphasizes that each set is as important as the first ones, right down to the last one, with the Stone Mist Wild card, able to allow lower ranked servers the chance to claw back, should the leading server allow the to,


Everyone’s Efforts, regardless of timezone, location, “Primetime” matters to the final outcome

Just who is the Best server?


WvWvW Balancing Idea for Night Capping issues

in WvW

Posted by: Moose.6294



-To come up with a system to balance and reinforce enjoyment of WvWvW
-Do it so that everyone’s efforts are Equal and Contributing at any time without any form of punishment/disadvantage


-Current problem creating issue of night capping arises from the PPT system, or the potential for it to “Run Away” with itself if a server can get a +600 PPT for a certain particular amount of time if no resistance is met. If said situation occurs over a 8 hour period, 19200 points is awarded, If it repeats over consecutive days demoralization occurs as other servers in match up fall away in point score and unofficially declare the “Match Over”

Proposed solution

Combination of the old system with emphasis on 12 hour periods where the scoring system remains equal regardless of opposition met, population of other servers, Timezones.

Except you now Get Victory points

Victory Points are to be awarded after every 12 hours [(Set) Yes I’m stealing a idea from Tennis here, bear with me its 0040 in the morning for me and for lack of a better word] Who ever has the highest score with the current system wins the set with the points system being

Winner = 3 Point
2nd Place = 2 Point
Last Place = 1 Point

PPT accumulated scores reset back to 0 and the next set begins.

At the end of the 2 Weeks the Victory Points are added up with the winner being the one with the most points


Server A has Good Daytime / Ok Night time
Server B has Good Daytime / Good Night time
Server C has Ok Daytime / Good Night time

So looking at this setup its fair to say

Servers A B will do well during the day, C might struggle
Server B and C will do Well during the Night, A Might Struggle

Match Plays out over 12 Sets (6 Days) with the following

Set 1 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 2 A 1 B 3 C 2
Set 3 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 4 A 1 B 2 C 3
Set 5 A 2 B 3 C 1
Set 6 A 1 B 3 C 2
Set 7 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 8 A 1 B 2 C 3
Set 9 A 2 B 3 C 1
Set 10 A 1 B 2 C 3
Set 11 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 12 A 1 B 2 C 3

Server A 22
Server B 28
Server C 22

So in this outcome as Team B has the Balanced Day/Night Ration compared to the other 2 servers after 12 Sets it would be declared the Winner right

But this is half the change

Look at it again

Set 1 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 2 A 2 B 3 C 2
Set 3 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 4 A 1 B 2 C 4
Set 5 A 2 B 3 C 1
Set 6 A 1 B 3 C 3
Set 7 A 4 B 2 C 2
Set 8 A 1 B 2 C 3
Set 9 A 3 B 3 C 1
Set 10 A 2 B 2 C 5
Set 11 A 3 B 2 C 1
Set 12 A 1 B 2 C 3

Server A 26
Server B 28
Server C 27

What the hell happened in this match up

Stone Mist Castle

Currently worth 35 + on its own

will now be worth 100 Points (Debatable)

Now your thinking Moose WTF Man??

here’s where it gets interesting

The emphasis is now on SM to attack it because its worth so many points, come on its a Awesome castle deserving to be God Like

At a Price

Notice how in some of the Match the loosing servers gained extra points? This is a result of a new Condition

“When 1st Ranked server holds SM and looses it to either 2nd or 3rd place server, these servers gain a bonus Victory Point as a “Humiliation” factor to the best server losing to a lower ranked server"

“If first place re-captures Stone mist, off one of the other 2 servers, it is awarded no bonus, other than being able to have another chance at solidifying their lead”

“However a new Bonus Points is up for grabs it the other servers can take it”

“In case of two Drawing servers for first , the bonus point system is NOT awarded”

- In Summary

This scoring system in regards to the one week or 2 week matches that ANET will end up deciding on, emphasizes that each set is as important as the first ones, right down to the last one, with the Stone Mist Wild card, able to allow lower ranked servers the chance to claw back, should the leading server allow the to,


Everyone’s Efforts, regardless of timezone, location, “Primetime” matters to the final outcome

Just who is the Best server?


(edited by Moose.6294)

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Moose.6294


Bryanna, can you please scroll up and read what i typed about the new score system thingy? Thank you!

Noone is asking anyone… to play at different servers/time-zones. Please just watch all reasonable posts and ignore the “omg US players for US servers only”.

Honestly Cloud. If you saw the reasonable posts here you would understand what people is asking. I am actually from Brazil and i play on an EU server because i’ve many friends there from other mmos.

The few smart people who posted in this thread with logic and understandable solutions are NOT asking for a seperated Oceanic server or limiting EU servers only for europeans and same for US servers.

We’re just asking that the scores given are related with the actual PvP on the W3. So it would be very good if actuall Player kills would be taken into account on the points, how many sieges were actually destroyed, and so on. And that when you take an objective, the points given vary depending on how many people were fighting / defending that objective. You will still take objectives rather easy… but it will not give 40k points lead over night to your realm.

So for example -> if you took a keep when you actually had resistance (you had to destroy 3 arrow carts, 2 ballistas, catapults …), and had to kill around 30 defenders, it will reward x points.
Now.. if you took the same keep without destroying any siege weapons, killing around 5 defenders who were running past, it will reward x/5 (for example) points.

Now you do notice that this system i’m proposing does not say ANYTHING about if its at prime-time, or off-prime time ?

So if you have a coordinated Oceanic guild running at the night (of NA based server) fighting against somewhat the same amount of people you’ll be rewarded the same as prime-time people, and you’ll most likelly beat them because you’re an organized guild. But if you’re just running and capping objectives without any resistance, and you’ll not be rewarded just the same as people who actually had to struggle with PvP to take an objective.

In the end we play W3 for the PvP content, for doing player versus player -> it should reward accordingly.

Yes lets indeed review this scoring system and why it has one large systematic failure

“If you have a crap off crew ( Crew as in, people online when your not irrespective of location) why should they log in?”

If a server can organise it with their off crews, if their server falls back over a few days, order their off crew to not log in therefore offering no resistance, mean the attacking server gets little points until the Main crew shows up. Using this as a Tactic means you can successfully invalidate a entire timezones efforts, which leads us back to square one.

In Summary

People need to get these points into their head before making any further suggestions

ATTEMPTING to limit the point accured during off time disadvantages Off time players

ATTEMPTING to limit W v W population because a server can’t populate itself during off times takes a specific servers problem and makes it a everyone else’s problem

ATTEMPTING to base a score system on amount of action faced by attacking server can be defeated by having defending servers mass log off, reducing any point accrue.

The only system i see working at this stage is this

“As opposed to a fortnightly point system. Or should I say a “2 week sprint”. The game is now changed to a “12 hour sprint”. Each sprint awards the server 1/2/3 pts, and at the end of the 2 weeks, the server with the most points wins and we rank from there. So in essence, servers still fight for 2 weeks. but we will see more direct results of our actions (or lack thereof). This is a biggie, but this is a great solution because it allows each time zone to effect the server outcome atleast for a sprint. And we can then rank servers depending on their strength in offpeak/peak hours. "

I edited his response to remove emphasis on bonus points for Friday, Saturday nights

4 groups are then formed with ‘like’ servers facing each other

Good Odd / Good Even
Good Odd/ Poor Even
Poor Odd/ Good Even
Poor Odd / Poor even