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Rune of Thorns vs Berserker for raids?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mor Gothic.5692

Mor Gothic.5692

Is that with full raid buffs? 25 might, all food/utilities? Because I believe the 5% from zerker’s applies after that.

With full buffs:

2700 condition damage. 2950 with full thorns. So an increase from 184 to 200 for bleeds or 9% increase in damage.

Edit: looks like bursting doesn’t work on the site, so increase those by 6%, still ~8.5% increase but slightly higher numbers. In order for the thorns bonus to match the condition damage bonus of Berserker you would need 5000 base condition damage.

Bursting doesn’t work like that. Despite what the sigil description says it doesn’t actually increase your overall condition damage by 6%, it actually increases your condition damage stat by 6%.

(edited by Mor Gothic.5692)

Wow we do terrible dps...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mor Gothic.5692

Mor Gothic.5692

Unfortunately, your test is flawed at it’s core. You can not test timed kills with two different armour sets. Especially when the set used on the Engi doesn’t even have Condition Damage as it’s main stat.

Sorry but this doesn’t make any sense: following your logic I shouldn’t even compare different classes. We are talking about DPS and Conditions, of course we apply them in another way. Also in my test I reach almost the same DPS with just Malice and no direct damage (since I was using Rabid).

I’m not sure how you got ’shouldn’t even compare different classes’ from my post, but I’ll try to be clearer on my point.

Your test is based on how fast a class can kill in X time, for this test to be accurate you need to keep the gear the same (or as close as possible, but as this test is using pvp gear this isn’t an issue), by doing this you insure that the only difference is what the class itself brings (traits and skills).

By running one class in a condition main stat armour (Rabid) and the other class in a precision stat armour (Rampager) you’re unintentionally biasing the result towards Necro as the Engi is missing 300 condition damage.

To give an example, the difference in burning damage between the two sets (per stack tick).

Rabid: 317.5
Rampager: 271
Difference: 46.5

Doesn’t sound much, right?

Now lets times that by 20 (we know that Engi can stack that many): 930

So for every second that the Engi has 20 stacks of burning they lose 930 damage by running Rampagers over Rabid.

Now add in the fact that this damage loss affects all the damaging conditions and you’re looking at an even higher damage loss….

Wow we do terrible dps...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mor Gothic.5692

Mor Gothic.5692


Unfortunately, your test is flawed at it’s core. You can not test timed kills with two different armour sets. Especially when the set used on the Engi doesn’t even have Condition Damage as it’s main stat.

TL:DR; Necro deals as much as damage as the Engineer.

It doesn’t. Engi’s burning application means it’s not even close.

Axe auto still bad. 10%?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mor Gothic.5692

Mor Gothic.5692

If we accept that these buffs are all Axe needed (even if it is only around a 6% increase over the pre-buff damage over 30 seconds (assuming a Rending+Ghastly Claws rotation and not accounting for aftercast)).

While I think I would have preferred a greater damage buff and have kept the range at 600, I assume there was a valid reason in increasing the range to give Necro a (still rather low damage) power weapon (probably raids).

The greatest thing holding Axe back from being a viable weapon is Unholy Fervor. Trait wise Rending Shroud is just plain better for obvious reasons, meaning that not only does Axe have a trait doing the exact same thing it wants to do, it loses out on 10% damage and 20% lower cast time (to put this perspective DS deals 26.6% more damage over 30 seconds and RS is 18.5% (DS numbers take from Brazil’s ‘Is Axe a Good Weapon for Necromancer?’ RS numbers are the base listed on the wiki so would be higher).

The solution is obvious, Unholy Fervor needs to not be Axe only. This allows you to make a choice between taking Rending Shroud in low vulnerability group or Unholy Fervor for additional damage in a high vulnerability group (with Axe as your ranged backup). The fact this change would help all Necro PvE power builds considerably is an added bonus.

What about PvP? Well, (imo) this change shouldn’t really impact PvP at all. I see no reason why you’d take Unholy Fervor over Rending Shroud, even in a non DS build Rending Shroud is simply the better choice.

I know that I am preaching to the choir on this, but I feel that we need to keep repeating things like this if Necro is to get the buffs it needs.

Why, for the love of Grenth...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mor Gothic.5692

Mor Gothic.5692

Honestly, if the only thing they did was change those select cast times, we’d be in a bit better of a place

It’s actually worse (or better) than that. According to my spreadsheet (assuming I’ve made no mistakes) under conditions of:

25 Might/Vun
Full ascended Zerk with Scholar
Staff with force/night
Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup/ 10% Slaying potion
Build/Rotation with thanks to Brazil
No other party buffs

Our average DPS would increase to ~17k over 30 seconds (meaning we’d tie with Engi).
If they decreased the cast time to 1 second we’d have around ~15k average DPS.

Of course this would only help DS builds, dagger would still be on the low side (see video for numbers).