Showing Posts For Mosh.4129:
I have my mesmer as my main. I use pve phantasm build for dungeons and fractals and mainly open world events.
But lately Ive been doing WvW and seem to enjoy it. Is there a phantasm build that can be used for wvw and pve without sacrificing my gear? I use mainly berserkers.
I did it with only 2 of us. Never got downed or died during the hybrid master battle. Still no achievement. But i got the daily kill master hybrid. Also, this was our second run.
This is a bug as many people are reporting it now.
This happened as people were running back to defend the batteries and megalaser. Then an instant fail due to this bug. Abominations spawn right there in megalaser and instantly crushed the megalaser failing the event.
Way to crush our hopes of getting a Teq kill and waste our time waiting for it to spawn again. Sigh.
Killed Teq 6 times and got the title with TTS They have done more runs, I dont know if they have succeeded in the other ones.
The extension TTS guild also got their first teq kill earlier.
Invite me please
Invite me!!! Please!
Youre not the only one. Its very frustrating and I used all my continue coins just to end up not finishing the zone at all… kittening annoying.
Hmm lets try this build with assassin stats and rune of the traveler
Ive been using your phantasm build for a while now and its working great. But Ive been using ruby orb on my armors. Do you think rune of the eagle is better? Considering you lose 120 power and 7% crit damage ?
Is the 5% damage below 50 health a significant boost in dps?
Yeah! I am 28 and used to play those 8 bit games. Now I play the super adventure box with my son who associates the SAB for minecraft. He loves it.
GW2 is the best mmo atm.
Got disconnected again. My ISP is unstable, BUT this shouldnt be the case as you should be able to reconnect again to your fractal party right? Cant kittening believe its been this long and no fix was done. Cant reconnect to your party and puts you back to the first fractal part of your daily.
Last time I read the fix was last week of december. Now the end of January is here still no fix available or even updates to this kittening issue.
WHAT are they doing to this game breaking bug?
I just did a full fractal daily and got 3 yellows from it.
I tried to salvage ectos but surprised that I havent gotten any from exotics.
I used black lion salavage kit on 3 yellows – only 1 glob from it, I was disappointed so I used my 2 exotics and salvage them and guess what – 0 globs.
WTF did they change something???
It used to be yellow – 0 – 3 ectos, and exotic – 1 – 3 globs.
Any information on when this issue be fixed?
First run one of my partymates got a ring. The rest of us nothing. Wheres the justice in that? BTW He sucked, he kept dying and we had to ress him a lot while we keep pumping our support skills just to stay alive.
Argh kitten this. Its AION all over again. Ive had enough of that kitten. Now it is coming here. Good luck with RNG.
RNG is OBSOLETE… make it go away.