Showing Posts For Mossis.7903:

50 Suggestions for Anti-Zerg Tweaks

in WvW

Posted by: Mossis.7903


One thing I see to help with Zerg mobility is disallowing the use of waypoints when you are alive. Only allow them to be used when you are dead. I rarely see anyone mention this but imo it would help. Zergs are already fast enough with perma-swiftness.

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Mossis.7903


Sweet!! The score isnt as bad as i thought it might be. We’re going to have to kick some kitten tonight sor to catch up!

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Mossis.7903


Hey guys, stuck at work. Can i get a score update pls

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Mossis.7903


Just woke up, need a score update. I had a blast last night in the SoR garrison 3- way battle. Better queue in now so I can play tonight!

GS/Rifle Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Mossis.7903


I roll with a 30/20/20/0/0 build. I go axe/shield and gs for brawling and then I keep a rifle in my bag for defending off of walls. Just switch out the forceful great sword trait for crack shot when you switch.

enemy respawn is still absurdly fast

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mossis.7903


I agree, its been this way since the game launched. I went into some dredge cave today and just got overwhelmed with respawns. It can get pretty difficult sometimes when solo leveling. Its time they adjust the respawns timers down now that the server pops have levelled out.

Saving Skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mossis.7903


I think it would be cool to be able to save the skins of armor and weapons without having them clog up your bank. Maybe make it to where the item is destroyed or you could sell them once you’ve saved the skin. I’ve found some skins from lower level items I think are cool but I don’t like saving them because my bank is full already. It could be something like your collectibles tab but with skins and you could tie them to transmutation stones to activate the skins from there.

The Great Tyrian Adventure - Sanctum of Rall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mossis.7903


As a fellow adventurer on the SoR server thanks for putting this together. I’m looking forward to joining you in this, and hopefully some big guilds on the other servers will do similar events to get everyone involved.

Saints of Lions Arch (SoR) PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: Mossis.7903


Sign me up! I just hit level 80 and I’m looking for an active mature guild to join.