Showing Posts For MourningWood.9410:

HoD Does Not Want You: Seriously

in Looking for...

Posted by: MourningWood.9410


I hope Ajax and Ruby were a great addition! Kaineng will surely miss them!

Imbue (Guardian)
Kaineng Raiders [KR]

The Truth About Bronze Leagues

in Looking for...

Posted by: MourningWood.9410


Thanks for mentioning Kaineng, really appreciate it! We could really use the help. It doesn’t matter if you’re one person or a guild of many people, any help is wanted! Those of us already on Kaineng will refuse to give up, regardless of the outcome. We don’t go down without a fight!

Imbue (Guardian)
Kaineng Raiders [KR]

Come to Kaineng!

in Looking for...

Posted by: MourningWood.9410


Bumping for Kaineng!
Kaineng could definitely use the help! The players here have the ability to perform, what’s missing is the numbers and coverage. This is an opportunity to make a name for either yourself or your guild! Hoping to see new faces out there!

Imbue (Guardian)
Kaineng Raiders [KR]

(edited by MourningWood.9410)