Showing Posts For Mouse.3271:
I’m honestly quite surprised that SOR still comes out as they do considering they know full well they are going to lose everything again the next day to our asian force and they are going to have to start all over. Any other server would have thrown up the white flag. Testament to your server I suppose though, so props. Does show quite a bit of resiliency.
I’m on SoR, and have been since transferring from both JQ and SoS a few months back because of this resiliency. The WvW core has been through domination in T2 from SoS and then BG spanning many weeks. Instead of being demoralized by the score, SoR folks have traditionally shifted focus to enjoying skirmishes and improving teamwork to keep things engaging. As I said earlier in this thread, I think everyone both winners and losers in the tiers know there’s some improvement that could be had to make matchups better. What you do when the match mechanics don’t give you an ideal experience dictates whether or not you get demoralized.
It’s unfortunate to see SoS seemingly crumbling a little under internal fighting. Every server has a few disagreements here and there. It’s how one deals with them as a community that determines whether or not they soldier through them.
But I do not believe i’ve seen any JQ members outright deny that superior coverage is playing a significant role in our recent string of victories.
I think you’re misunderstanding the use of deny, and it’s part of what I was saying in my post. You’re basically denying the legitimacy of others to have concerns about population/coverage, dismissing it as “whining”. It’s made all the more illogical by the fact that we know JQ has experienced this as much as any of the other servers have. Given that fact, when the tables are turned, one would expect a bit more understanding and less poking the bear.
I’ve been on all three servers in this matchup at some point or another since release, so I’ve been on both sides of this coin.
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I don’t post very often in these threads, as people keep making the common mistake that a few forum warriors are reflective of the mentality of the server as a whole. Most of us, frankly, are out in the field WvWing and killing people, and typing a forum post that basically amounts to another addition in the neverending internet slap fight takes away from that. Besides, it’s pretty clear that people in these threads can be both poor winners and a poor losers, and both suck.
I do want to take time to make the point that I think everyone realizes success in the current WvW game is a combination of both population/coverage and motivation/skill. I’ve seen a common trend from the forum warriors where they feel that since they had to put up with a lack of one or the other (most commonly population/coverage) that others aren’t allowed to complain when the tables are turned. This couldn’t be further from the truth. You don’t get to suddenly be blind to the issues or tell others to “deal with it” just because you don’t experience them anymore. In fact you should be more cognizant and understanding of that fact.
I think that everyone should understand that matches are fun when all three servers are motivated to play in them. It sucks for the winning server to find demotivated opponents, and it sucks for the losing servers to feel their best can’t tip the point total in their favor.
I personally find myself WvWing less and less, mostly due to the fundamental flaws the system has coupled with the lack of progression systems that would grant me a sense of advancement. As the game dictates it, the only sense of advancement is placing in the top point total, which is pretty narrow. March’s update should give us a bit more, but frankly, I’d be more intrigued by a method by which points could shift in such a way that any of the three servers in a tier could pull out a win. Sadly, that’s probably not soon in coming.
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Q: How many Logans does it take to screw in an Asuran light source?
A: 1, but only if you want the job left half done in the middle and end up having to do it yourself.
Q: How many Logans does it take to screw in an Asuran light source in the Queen’s room?
A: 5,000 to confuse Rytlock into chasing when he ditches him, 2,000 to make sure the Queen has an alternate light source, 1,000 to fret over a plan to make the change and hire heroes of Tyria to do it, and 10,000 to fight over which of them gets to tell the Queen it’s been done.
There is no room for leniency in this industry because not delivering in a timely manner is just poor Project Management, simple as that.
It’s the immediate judgment with which you rush to how things operate that is the precise reason why communication is handled with a scalpel rather than with a sledgehammer. That was part of my point. You’re also misinterpreting “when it’s ready” project/development milestone execution with “when it’s appropriate” as it relates to when and how to communicate with players – I meant the latter, not the former, and when it comes to communications, it’s always a matter of “when it’s appropriate” and not “when it’s ready”, which are two vastly different things.
Without an idea into not just what the timeline is but how the timeline is being executed, something that only working at the studio gives us the pleasure of having, the credibility of we players to judge how well they are communicating or executing their milestones only goes so far. I personally think you’re taking it a bit beyond your ability to judge, considering I still strongly disagree that a sales project that has been executed separately from the communication philosophy is somehow connected to their priorities. Have your opinion and be welcome to it, but don’t purport to understand how their priorities are being set in so extreme a manner.
We’ll pretty much agree to disagree, since your mind’s pretty made up and so is mine.
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@ Son of Elias. I think you are missing the point of the post. Sales are good. Sales are great! What I am saying is that Anet has not done enough to earn the continued support of the community. They seem to be prioritising their goal to make money through the gem store, rather than being more open with the community, which is where the money really comes from.
I think you lack a little insight into how the process of communicating to the community works as opposed to a markdown in items as part of a sales push. The fact that a sale has been put on does not mean that their “priority” is making money over communicating. TL;DR in case people don’t read further – communications in general is a complex process that is carefully approached, and more isn’t always better because of the highly critical nature of players.
A lot of people have called on ANet to communicate more to their customers, when the process for communication is something that isn’t approached lightly. A simple matter of talking more isn’t always the best strategy to approach when communicating with your playerbase.
Why? Because the players are ravenous and devour and dissect every bit of every developer communication out there. As few as 3 or 4 words are enough to throw the community into an uproar even if the intent of the communication is nowhere near what the uproar is about. When you have players who’ve become highly critical and highly analytic about the games that are played, you’d better believe that developers are more cautious about their communications.
Generally, every communication that is publicly granted is put through a vetting and approval process, and the time varies depending on what can be said, what the community is feeling, what the overall state of affairs is for a situation or the game, and what’s been approved as allowed to communicate. The people on the developer side who are able to post in response to the players all need to be on the same page in this regard. And more is generally not always better. If one developer communicates about an upcoming feature that isn’t ready for prime time from another developer’s team, it’s a problem. If an answer from a developer is off because of tone, because of the context, or because it doesn’t fit the question, that’s also a problem. And, I hate to say this, but players don’t have the insight into the development process they think they do, so frequent “inside baseball” answers to questions, especially when they aren’t satisfactory to players, create more harm than good. Look at the numerous posts that came up when the class design vision posts came up, for example.
There’s more, but in short – messaging to the community isn’t as easy as answering questions more or being on the forums more. It’s a process, and in many cases is driven by the overall timeline and direction of many moving parts.
Could the communication be better, and the process streamlined a bit? Sure – you should always look to improve your messaging agility and how you do so. I think that ANet could do a bit better with responding about exploits (the snowflake thing and karma exploiting in general needs improvement so players know what not to do), messaging about hotbutton issues, and being careful about promising fixes that end up taking longer than thought (Fractal DC’s comes to mind).
But the two flaws in your argument are the connection between a sale and communication as priorities (they’re not even really related – sales is a process too but hardly with the dynamic, unpredictable element of people and messaging to take into account) and the implied idea that communications is somehow as simple as talking more, when so much more goes into it.
As for the statements from several people about working in the industry, let’s just say I know a little something about this and I feel that my original argument is well warranted.
If you do “know a little something”, then you should know that there’s something more to the studio development shop, and be a little less accusatory with thread titles like “why should I give you more money?”. Constructive communication to peers and an understanding about how things might work differently go a longer way than taking a distasteful tone in your criticism.
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You touched on what is the problem. You forward concerns and request. Your job basically should not exist as all it does is add a level of noise between customer and developer. The holiday time is the perfect time for developers to communicate more as they don’t have any actual work for the most part. One of the key components and one that is ignored by almost every mmo developer is proper communication between devs and community. With that I mean a direct line between them and not some inbetween person like you.
Actually, their job is necessary, and I’ll tell you why. This is going to be a long post, so… For people who don’t want to read further, the explanation is simple, even though you may not want to hear it: the developers’ primary job is not to read forum posts and feedback, or even to talk to you, but to work on the game. Community teams serve as a valuable resource to allow the developers to perform their primary job function while being able to understand player sentiment distilled into its purest, most helpful form so they can actually code and program the game’s systems for you, the player.
You want details? Ok, I have details to support this.
A developer or team’s time is limited in terms of being able to take in, process people’s feedback, and act upon it. While in this industry time spent outside of the traditional expected workday is normal, think about the fact that this forum alone generates thousands if not tens of thousands of posts a day. Not all of the posts contain decent feedback that is helpful to the developers, either. Would you rather that developers spend time replying to posts that they have to sift through to ensure they are responding to the best thread, or would you rather they be fixing the game? I’d take the latter.
And there’s also the fact that not every developer is suited to communicating with the players. They may not possess the training to ensure their messaging is consistent, or the knowledge of the trending sentiment on the forum to ensure what they are saying is understandable and practical to players. Developers that do post on the forum are usually representative of a team or system, and in many cases also have other obligations outside of development or answering forum posts. Even then, they are not capable of dealing with the sheer volume of feedback that is given.
There’s this myth about how more developer communication directly to players is better, when in fact it’s a disaster waiting to happen. What if the developer says something that isn’t in line with what another developer said in another part of the forum? What about if a developer answers in a way that, even if unintended, comes off as arrogant or condescending? What about if a system is still in development or bugfixing, and false expectations are set? People have cited other companies with other track records of communication during this holiday, but have failed to understand that every company is different, that the type of communication varies (communicating a “easy” answer like a known milestone or deadline or an approved bugfix answer is not the same as “tell us what content you are introducing in the next month”), and that companies have different tolerance and philosophy when it comes to when it is correct or incorrect to communicate with the players.
Community teams and coordinators like Charles fill an extremely valuable role. They process all the feedback, go through the volume of posts, take out all the information that doesn’t provide much value, then pass on how we feel and what needs to be done to the development teams. They may also be able to proxy in a pinch by giving approved answers and also ensure that anyone who communicates with us is doing so in a consistent way. And because they’re on the forum and on the fan feedback channels, and their PRIMARY job is to do that, they’re closer to the players and therefore able to understand how we feel a bit better.
Much of the developer communication and action taken is the direct result of an “inbetween” resource like Community seeing, understanding, and passing on the appropriate items needed, much of which occurs behind the scenes. Direct access to the developers from the players and vice versa has some intrinsic value, but it’s limited. It’s ultimately Community’s job to make sure the feedback has the highest quality value it can have. You severely underestimate their value, and while Community teams aren’t always perfect, they deserve as much appreciation as any developer.
It might be helpful to hear what targets you’ve tested on, and whether this was in pve, spvp, or wvw, as what you’re hitting certainly figures into the damage.
You’ll probably want to end up with something like the Brutaly AH Hammer build (that actually works with many weapons despite the title). It’s stickied at the top of the forum.
You’ll want the 30 right into Valor. Not only is the passive Toughness increase necessary, but there are a bunch of traits within the line that will keep you alive and kicking.
Put at least 5 into virtues to boost boons granted, and to give your boon uptime a little push.
From there you have choices. You can go Honor and build your healing power, or a little into Radiance to stack some crit. Because your tri-stat choices almost always will have some, going into the Zeal power line isn’t really recommended, especially as I find some of the traits lackluster compared to other lines.
I personally run with a 0/15/30/20/5 build and find I have the right balance of threatening damage and the ruggedness to take hits from even the nastiest things. Just know that with an all-around build like mine, you’re not going to have the raw crit power of a full DPSer nor the uptime of a defensive tank. But you’ll have a decent foot in both categories and can hold your own.
If you’re in your 20’s, you can only choose a couple stats. Mix precision with toughness with a couple of vitality jewels, IMO. You need to learn to work with a low-ish health pool and cycle your boons properly. Once you can pick tri-stat gear, you can’t go wrong with Knight’s (Power, Precision, Toughness) with a couple Valkyrie’s (Power, Vitality, Crit damage). You can mix some Power/Toughness/Vitality in as well, but know you’ll be sacrificing a bit of damage for it.
Hope that helps!
So just because of the name, you’re assuming it’s bugged? Seems pretty far-fetched to me.
The description is in line with any other skills since you count as an allies yourself. Look at Empowering Might, you also get the might boons as well as the whole party.
Yeah, and it’s not limited to the Guardian. A couple of classes can trait things such as might-stacking builds that also apply to themselves. They would have to remove the behavior from many traits and skills, not just AH, and that would probably go against a core philosophy in their design that makes players want to naturally help each other (experience incentives for picking up downed players, for example).
Most if not all of the boons given through guardian skills benefit others, but removing the ability to include ourselves in this benefit would hurt our solo ability. And with a class that has been stated is strong when granted boons and weaker when not, I don’t expect the behavior to change :p
Speaking of AH, I’m not really seeing an appreciable difference. I do have to be a little more mobile and do notice I cannot dodge as much, but hammer isn’t a “stand there and tank” weapon, anyway – if for nothing else, the need to interrupt the animation at the end of hammer 1.
I’ve honestly not seen a difference, really, but I’ve made it a habit to stay mobile while tanking and throw in dodges to avoid normal attacks rather than just stand there and take it, so that may be why. I do notice that my vigor uptime is a bit less and I can chain dodges a bit less than I did, but other than that, my 0/15/30/20/5 build with hammer and AH is unaffected.
Reducing the damage by 50% across the board is a little extreme. Decent stats and gear designed to deal with a thief’s burst damage are a passive way to deal with thief damage, as well as situational awareness.
But stealth definitely needs to be dealt with. There’s no hard counter or balancing mechanic in place to prevent the thief being to stealth for a significant portion of the fight except for simply being a better player, and while I understand all the L2P posting in here, MMO balancing isn’t just dependent on how skilled players are. As it stands now, cooldowns aren’t long enough to prevent stealth from being a significant factor, there are no stats you can build to detect stealthed thieves, and no way to really interrupt the stealth or damage the thief that is visible to the opponent.
Instead of dealing with the damage, I’d introduce a way to detect stealthed players – such as being able to see them (albeit faded) if you were close enough. Abilities you use that actually damage the thief in stealth should give you damage numbers so as to give you an approximate location, if not knock the thief out of stealth outright. The other couple of ways would be through attaching stealth detection improvement to a defensive stat or attaching stealth knockout/detection to abilities, but I’m not really sure about those solutions as they might be too crippling to the thief’s intention of being able to control part of the fight through stealth.
Being able to passively detect stealthed players as well as visibly damage them in stealth will force thieves to be wary of engagements rather than be fearless about them. It will give other classes a hard counter to stealth while still ensuring that they need to be skilled to beat a thief (the people who stand still while I CND someone are asking for it, not to mention the ones that spam their abilities while I’m stealthed up so they have no abilities to use when I pop out).
There’s a lot of L2P posts in here, but I have an alt thief that is 80 in addition to a couple other classes, and no other class can control a fight like a thief can, and I’m not even that great of a thief. Most of that is stealth.
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I believe us folks trying to farm silver doubloons would like to have a word with you about how hard it is to get destroyer cores :p
At least you DO have the dungeon to fall back on. I’ve found more destroyer cores in SE than anywhere else. You might not have a choice but to do the dungeons to get them, until they change where they can drop.
DUngeon jewelry recipes drop from the relevant end-path dungeon boss. (the 3rd bag boss)
Just got the Nightmare Coil recipe from Twilight Arbor 10 minutes ago. Feels good.
Where’d this one drop? Trying to figure out which boss.
I have one of the recipes from Ascalonian Catacombs. Prices are steadying now, but I’ve made a really tidy profit from crafting them and only needing to do a full AC clear every day.
I’ll be happy to have to remind folks a little less about not repairing walls being trebbed. I’ve also seen the ALT+F4 thing more and more often and seeing the hard penalty applied is a welcome change. Nice work!
I am concerned about the Breakout event but will see how it happens in game before I make a judgment. One way I could see it being suppressed is a dominant force leaving one tower per team, ensuring only slightly less PPT but still maintaining a lead over outmanned or outgunned forces. I do realize that sweeping changes should be tested more, however. I’ll be interested in seeing how you guys make more changes to deal with the outmanned and outgunned, and for encouraging a bit more participation overall.
I love mobility over anything, so when I was leveling my warrior alt with GS, I found it mostly fine except for the fact that Hundred Blades sticks you in place. It always bothered me in my first 45 or so levels and felt very one-dimensional.
I swapped to a slightly tweaked Yojack’s build and am finding it wonderful. You have to get used to the fact that you aren’t as bursty, but you cripple things with the constant bleeds. Everything is always in the process of dying as long as you hit it at least once. You still get a less damaging but still satisfying version of Hundred Blades with constant Flurries, and the buffs and condition removals ensure you are always on the move. I still carry a GS for the times when it’s absolutely needed, but otherwise have gotten lots of use out of this build.
My adjustments involved going 30 into Arms, taking points away from Tactics. The recent AoE heal changes along with janky detection on which 5 are getting your heals made healing with shouts kinda weird, so I went to Arms mostly for the 10% increased damage to bleeders. I swap out my second major trait from the rifle one to the 10% crit-hit change with a sword and pick up rending strikes for the third trait to stack vulnerability when I crit.
Again, really liking this build as an alternative to “Sonic Boon” GS or Axe/Mace builds, and I find I contribute more all around to the dungeon group or WvW force as a whole. Thanks Yojack, and everyone who’s participated!
And i disagree on holding off on the suggestion, once it’s live they will not take it out and we already know how it’s going to be as they’ve explained it.
Realistically speaking, it’s 2 days before the update. You’re not going to stop it. The press is already out there. The blog post is already out there. The update has likely been planned for a while. Public outcry on forums very rarely elicits change when there’s an overall development direction followed.
I like your suggestion, but I doubt ANet will change anything til they have live data to support any notion that it should change, so while “wait and see” requires more trust and patience, it’s probably the more realistic suggestion to follow.
This post indicates that ascended gear will replace exotics 100% for top end gear. Unless they listen to the community and withdraw their stupid notion this game should become a gear treadmill.
Because calling it stupid will totally get them to listen to you, right? Let’s try to be a bit more constructive.
I understand their reasoning behind introducing these new items, and despite what people say, personal progression is very important to many players who play MMOs. They’re doing the right thing with a gradual introduction of this new “slightly better than exotics” gear, but I’d love to hear from a stats guy how much the increase makes a difference, even in theory. That being said, it’s still a statistical increase and a couple of points can make all the difference in any PvP fight.
I’m concerned, because of the fact that this gear is only acquired through PvE content. For someone who has a bit of an aversion to raids and dungeon-running, the fact that I have no alternate means of acquiring equivalent gear of this nature is kind of rough to swallow. I’d be fine with this if they’d introduce equivalent items acquired via badges in WvW or through crafting recipes – something that would allow me a path to the increases that didn’t involve dungeons.
Honestly, it’s probably a bit easier to add to sPvP than it is to WvW. sPvP is somewhat more in a controlled environment, where WvW is a bit more dynamic. Any large sweeping changes or additions to WvW content or the way the system works are probably not going to be introduced lightly, so I’m not surprised it’s going to take longer.
I do think that WvW in general threatens to become stale in terms of the lack of meaningful individual or server advancement as a whole outside of scores and overall rankings, which don’t really deliver a good snapshot of how the match has gone. I’d love to see more reflection of effort beyond the numbers we see in an overall presentation, for guilds, individuals, and more. Things in DAoC such as Darkness Falls and the Renown Rank system overall helped do this, so I am curious to see what GW2 will bring to the table.
I’d rather they take their time with WvW fresh content or updates – just not too long.
Reserving judgment and feedback until I see the content, how Ascended armor works, and how it ultimately affects gameplay. Too little detail right now based on a single paragraph in a press article. The amount of overreaction and hyperbole in this thread is not unexpected considering the modern MMO playerbase, but it’s still staggering.
Wait til you actually have it in-game before submitting your feedback, folks. I know that means waiting a week or two after the patch, and I know patience fails to be a virtue among many MMO players, but we’re honestly not going to see how this impacts things til it’s actually out in the wild. If ANet is going to change something, it’ll be after the patch is out, not before.
Not present on JQ.
This post is nothing more than a single person whining and complaining about a rather mundane point.
Except some of us happen to agree with the OP. How is that a “single person”?
JQ recruited Xfers a few weeks ago. CD decided to move the core WvW guild population to JQ to “even things out.” After that, JQ started climbing up the ladder with a now more robust off hours crew.
I keep seeing this stuff about how CD moved their guilds to JQ. Yet no one can name who these guilds are. Which ones were they? A significant portion of those guilds would have had to have come into the server-wide TS to help coordinate things. Again, which guilds were these?
I am sorry JQ, you may not have your every whim responded to and answered by ANet or any others. You asked for what you now have, and as such it should come as no surprise. If you dislike it, please consider transferring to another server. But please do not blame ANet for this inevitable result.
I’m not sure if this is sour grapes if you’ve been on a server that’s been affected by HoD or JQ’s rise or not, or if you’re on JQ and you don’t understand what’s being said, but you’re making a lot of assumptions about the intent of the post as I see it.
Unfortunately, I don’t know that anyone could have predicted that free transfers would be open this long, almost two months after release. If I had to speculate, I’d have to say ANet is playing a wait and see game. The method by which HoD rose to the top was perhaps seen by them to be an outlier – the result of a hardcore base of an alliance that was created primarily to win, and secondarily to build community (if at all). The problem is that they may be waiting to see what happens with JQ to see if transfers really are hurting communities, because JQ was built differently – organically, from the ground up, with no driving alliance and a loosely organized conglomerate of guilds working together.
Posts such as the OPs, which offer some constructive criticism in a respectful way, are far from “whining and complaining”, and in fact could help ANet understand that transfers ARE causing servers to shake up, splinter, or otherwise change communities trying to create a solid foundation.
Post such as yours, which seem to want to belittle the OP for their points and dismiss them as whining, contribute little to nothing. I’m assuming here too, and apologize if I’m mistaken, but perhaps you’re sore about your community being affected by this, if you’re not on JQ. But then you’d be proving the OP’s point in that transfers are having a potentially negative effect on the game – especially considering your points about CD transfers.
I think the OP is misunderstanding how much worse the problem has gotten within the last week or so, since the last patch on Sunday. The point about being patient and dealing with it a little has some legitimacy but I think they’re unaware that this is not a “2 seconds and they are visible problem”, it’s become a “players both friendly and enemy are invisible permanently unless you re-log” issue. It’s gone from mildly annoying and bearable to being unable to play properly – and if you’re on a tier 1 WvW server, the queue really discourages you from trying to log out to fix it.
I hope the OP realizes that what they’re addressing (culling issues before last week’s patch) and what’s actually happening (culling issues after last week’s patch) are two entirely different things.
There’s a reality check right back at you, OP.
I’m on Jade Quarry, and it’s quite awful. I had to stop playing.
Yep, had the same problem. Prophecy and I could only literally see a floating commander icon, and we would basically wander into what we thought was clear but what was really a death trap. The only things that rendered were pets and projectiles, and the occasional ram.
Our borderlands was very full and the current matchup of JQ/ET/HoD has been nonstop, but it was a little amusing watching a fight between all 3 factions where people were swinging randomly trying to hit something, anything.
Smartass comment about that being how WvW works all the time aside, it wasn’t happening for all our players ,but no amount of graphics settings tweaks or other things like alt tabbing, minimizing, or switching modes worked to fix the rendering issue.
I have plenty of respect for the goals that Titan set out to achieve and felt they did achieve in their dominance in the first month of WvW matches. Asterisk or not, they did happen. Some props have to be given for that. I had plenty of fun killing and being killed by them.
That being said, when you examine the context of this happening, things get interesting. Lots of people have pointed out that the intended WvW match length hadn’t been set yet. And while TA was probably considering splitting up to deal with what they felt was a queue issue, it probably didn’t help that at least one guild in the alliance apparently decided to leave. Unless you’re in TA, we have no idea how internal discussions went, but outside observation leads me to believe that didn’t help any line of argument to stay together.
I’m more a reader than a poster here, but I do know that whenever people would complain about Titan, one response that I always saw from TA people was “we can do it, you can do it too”. This may be true, but I also think Titan wasn’t ignorant of the fact that other alliances would be slower to the punch. Titan also made a mistake – they picked up some of the most dedicated hardcore guilds and put them all in one place, decreasing the likelihood that another hardcore alliance would rise to challenge them. In lieu of this are servers who either have less of a hardcore alliance presence or who have communities that are organically, not militaristically, bringing their organization together.
If Titan would have been patient, they would have eventually gotten the competition they wanted – even if they would have also eventually lost. That’s not trash talk, that’s just an inevitability given that all good things come to an end and the increasing skill of other servers’ organization. It is unfortunate that the current iteration of the Titan Alliance did not give other servers a chance to really dig in and defeat them.
Honestly? My annoyance is not directed at Titan, but at those guilds or leadership that apparently decided one month into an MMO release that they weren’t getting what they wanted, and leaving entirely. MMO tourism is really destructive to the genre, because there is a growing subset of people who claim they are holding games to a higher standard when in fact they aren’t giving a developer time to adapt to the LIVE playing environment, which you CANNOT test for, no matter how many BWE’s you have. There’s no testing how play systems work in live, and they always need to be adjusted 1, 3, 6 months down the line. I’ll get off my soapbox on that now, except to say to the early quitters that while it’s their choice, they are not doing the game a service by leaving.
The most important goal that Titan Alliance achieved, honestly, is not anything that the OP stated. It’s giving ANet a scenario and set of circumstances that will help give them feedback to make the WvW system better – such as really thinking about non-linear and more dynamic scoring, and fixes and changes to system mechanics that could have only been exposed by hardcore players. That’s the ultimate legacy TA will leave behind, even though very few will realize or appreciate it.
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There’s a Pact Requisitioner in Fort Trinity, but as far as I’ve been able to try, he’s only in the last instanced part of the game. In the live world, he is behind that door that is normally closed. :/
Hm, another related question I actually had was if this behaved like GW1. When I saw the familiar “Everyone is cheering you/NPCs from your story talk to one another”, I knew that somewhere, there might be an NPC that grants you a weapon or choice of gear. Sure enough, in the last instanced celebration of this quest, there’s a Pact Requisitioner tucked away in the corner of Fort Trinity that you normally can’t get to in the live world. He says something about celebration being nice, but then says a nice weapon is better. Sadly, when you interact with him, he only buys your things, and doesn’t have something for you.
In Guild Wars 1, you normally received some kind of token to trade with an NPC like this for a choice of unique weapon for completion. I see the system might have been put into place for Guild Wars 2, but never got said token – and of course I’m now unable to get to this Pact Requisitioner.
If this is part of the fix, it would be great if those of us who have marked story as completed like this would receive that reward, if that’s what was intended – I loved them in GW1 due to the unique skins and would like to see this here, too.
The Skill point near Bayt Fallahin still not working after the patch correction in Crystal Desert. This is my last point to close all the world and I’m waiting at least one week to finish this skill point.
Yep, it’s still not working on Jade Quarry either. Ugh.