Showing Posts For Mouse.6903:

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mouse.6903


1)The UI for skills bar. Would like to be able to swap skills easily, swapping skills in options mess up skills in other mode like underwater, down and death shroud mode, even my other characters, need to keep swapping them back and forth.

2)Pasting of item names in Trading post and not reset my search whenever i change tab from selling item, buying items and collect all. Armor searches should be subclass into light, medium, heavy instead of head, shoulder, chest, pants, shoes.

3)allow for keyboard navigation for conversation boxes like W,S to move from option1 to 2 and F to confirm options like pressing Enter.

4)Make less conversation boxes, less clicks for us, when we click merchant we do not need conversation box before the buy/sell box comes up. Like having swift in the city, it would be much easier if we get swift when we get close to the npc, instead of having to talk to it.

5)There is no need for an additional UI to show inventory when opening the bank. I would prefer having my bags open, double left click to use it, right click to store it.

6) when i have my map open and close it it doesn’t have to zoom back to my location then close. The situation, having my map open browsing around, under attack click ‘M’ to close map, takes some time to zoom to my location on map then closes, didn’t have enough time to survive.

(edited by Mouse.6903)