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So I’ve run into the problem of losing out on 60 tokens several different ways (its aggravating to say the least) and I’m wondering if anything can be done to fix this on a permanent basis.
The first is getting disconnected or suffering an oh so common CTD right as the final boss goes down which results in gaining no tokens and no money meaning the entire run is awash because I was out of game for 20-30 seconds.
The second was I got booted from the group when the final boss had 1% health left ‘by accident’ because the group leader was trying to boot some other guy he was busy bickering with the entire fight and again same outcome.
Can nothing be done to tag loot to a player who has been in the fight the entire time save the last 3-5 seconds? Seems like some script could be written to pick up on this whereby a player could be auto-mailed the tokens or something.
Several posts have already been made about this.
I’ve had the first problem as well, on several occasions and after running the puzzle with a friend, I think I may know the trouble, at the least on my end. It has to do with internet connection speed. On his screen, I was behind and lagging very badly, even while on mine I was ahead of most of the group.
The puzzle seems to start based on who loads first, and seconds seem to be the difference between continuing and being teleported back.
From what I can tell, the teleporting happens when the hands rise out of the ooze and grab you, thus throwing you back to the waiting area. Even though you can’t see it on your screen, you’re behind everyone else, and sadly the green ooze has caught up to you.
The problem is I have a 15 mbps connection and I rarely had lag issues in the past – yet this problem has been very persistent since the start of the event.
That isn’t a bug – its a legitimate hiding place that you can walk straight to. You jump through some cobwebs to get there. Each time I have played there are a handful of people who are aware of the hiding spot and are either hiding there or the other players are searching for villagers there.
I made a post about this a while back; I have the same problem. Completing the event is impossible this way.
(edited by MrHibachi.5641)
Same problem on GoM
About 9/10 attempts the clock tower ports me back to start for no reason. I’ve had it port me out the moment I got in, in the middle of jumping and while I’m standing waiting for the next part of the stairway to appear. I’ve had it port me out while I’m running up the middle of the steps as well. All without me falling or being anywhere near the green mist.
I also had it bug out and port me to my own instance of the tower where I was alone and no green mist ever spawned.
(edited by MrHibachi.5641)