Showing Posts For MrJ.8142:

Questions for Dev

in Engineer

Posted by: MrJ.8142


1. Is it only me or poison dart volley’s condi dmg feel weaker by a lot?
2. You do know gadget, gyros, turret are bad in its current state right? Any plan to fix it?
3. I honestly play the game because you let us “build and play how we want it” back then (end of August 2012 I believe when I first started). Why did you throw such thing away? Why did you kill the diversity on our build?
4. Lastly, what do you mean by purity of purpose? I don’t understand this even a little bit. Finding hidden meaning in languages is not my forte.

Any devs care to answer? Need honest answer, thank you.

Why does Lege armor have to be tied to Raids?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MrJ.8142


The idea of legendary armor only viable for raider is total crap.

The game is an open world content mmorpg and war between players. The idea of getting legendary weapon from open world adventure is very great from Anet. This is probably the best idea to get legendary. But come on, do we fan of open world content should do raid just to get the armor?

Legendary backpiece has 2 ways to get it. Fractal is a short time dungeon (mostly acceptable for us open world lover because you can just do it for 30 minutes and you’re finished). If you don’t like fractala, you can do PvP as other option which is also acceptable (30 minutes of fight and done).

But hey, I don’t ever heard a 30 minutes raid. You have to spend hours to finish it. We have game for raid lover, it’s called World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XIV.

This is guild wars 2. It is a unique mmorpg that give you flexibilities to play what you like and the end game is endless (get rich, WvW, doing fun exploration with guildies while making every second matters).

Yeah I get it some people really love raiding and stuff like that. But have you ever think why in the first place we play GW2?
Just a suggestion, at least give us other choice to get legendary armor via something else. We don’t want to spend so much time just to done 1 raid. (If you gonna argue me on this by saying build a static or crap like that, it isn’t an option for some of us, most of my friends in-game have thing called life.)

Also to all of you who think we should get legendary armor via raid only, you should learn that not everyone have the time to spend 2-3 hours on raid just to get it. We have job, family and stuff to do in real life. Try to be in our shoes once a bit.

This is an honest rant from me and my friends.

Tl;dr : make other option to get it. Thank you.

Sincerely yours, MrJ

[FEEDBACK] Rising Flames

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrJ.8142


Great map, interesting story, great fractal update, WvW doing good for now.

Where is profesion update? What about engineer gyro’s AI and turret? Make engineer great again please.

Also pretty pretty please give me pistol/pistol to any other job beside thief and engi. Prefered elementalist. Or just make weapon system like GW1. I like when we could really play how we want. Not limited to what weapon we can use. Really my deepest honest wishes. Thank you.

Feedback Thread: Summer Update (26 July 2016)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrJ.8142


honest feedback from me.

1. I am very happy with the new map, it is brilliant setting imo.
2. Battle while gliding, why not make it on every map?
3. I get my high hope on new elite specialization but looks like it’s not yet come out. Pretty disappointed on this T,T
4. QoL improvement is great, thanks for making everything easier.
5. Lastly, if can, please make dual pistol elementalist / mesmer and give it magicslinger or whatever you can think of. It is pretty cool i think, casting magic from guns. This is my honest highest hope from you Anet.


(elite spec idea) The Techmaster

in Engineer

Posted by: MrJ.8142


First of all, no mace please.. it’s better to just give us dual focus wielding.

Also the idea of superweapon is not good. We don’t want other prof call nerf to us right? I bet it’s gonna be “nerf engi! Their superweapon cc is op, too much dmg bla bla and so on”.

If you want modern tech, just give us missle launcher kit or modern army kit, shooting mordrem with F2000 sounds fun to me. Also it comes with grenade launcher.

Suggestion: Machine gun burst and Travel Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: MrJ.8142


Hmm, y’all can play with machine gun kit. I prefer a bazooka for engineer. Or they can just give us new specialized trait called Mercenary and we can play with all army kit,i.e. bazooka kit, assault rifle kit, drone kit, shotgun kit, crossbow kit, even missile barrage from pact ship as an elite skill. There’s lot of idea for engineer because we use technology.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MrJ.8142


HoT is total disappointment for me and my friends.

Map is total confusing. Elite spec is great but that’s it. It’s just add a little more play style. I rather get a more various weapon use than getting an elite spec. (like P/P necro or P/P ele or S/S engineer)

Well, for the price, it’s too expensive in my country, but still affordable. At first me and my 3 other friends were so excited with the expansion. After playing around 2-3 days learning kitten from all the expansion, we all decided to quit. Too much rage and disappointment.

Need Dev answer on this

in Elementalist

Posted by: MrJ.8142


that’s why I said, I need Dev answer on this.. We can only speculate and disappointed.

Any Dev out there care to give a little info about this?

Need Dev answer on this

in Elementalist

Posted by: MrJ.8142



I want to ask, does Ele will have more access to weapon? Like dual pistol? Because I would be so delighted to see a “magic gunslinger”.

Thank you.

Guess I'll never complete Dark Harvest

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MrJ.8142


Try live in 3rd world country then speak about internet again. I dare you.

Scrapper with dual pistol problem

in Engineer

Posted by: MrJ.8142


I am not asking for them to change gyros so it can apply condition or else. It’s stupid of course. I just felt if you choose scrapper trait line while still clinging to p/p, you’re not as effective as before.

The point is, I still remember the first time this game came out, they promise we can build how we want, play how we want. And look at it now.

Me myself, I ran with p/p traveler, healing turret, exploding gyro, rocket boots, flame thrower kit and that cannon kit.
It works well with the current new map, new stupid trash mob, but still, I can’t do any effective mix and match anymore.

What happened with “build how we want” ?

Scrapper with dual pistol problem

in Engineer

Posted by: MrJ.8142


→ dual pistol condi build with gyros <-

Not everyone loves kit.

Why elite spec reqs DON'T need to be changed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MrJ.8142


OP,either you are a total kitten or a very egoistical person.

1) You don’t need your elite spec to play through HoT.
Yes, you don’t need it, but then why would you buy a HoT? Some player doesn’t give a crap about story or new map, they just want new build.

2) It’s an elite spec – it shouldn’t be cheap by its nature.
No. It’s just called “elite spec”. It is actually just a new trait that is very expensive. Also why would I buy kitten for $50 then I need to work hard to get a trait? It’s not a legendary equip, it just new skill and trait, like the other 5.

3) It incentivizes map completion and/or WvW participation.
Not everyone like WvW. Even there’s players who can’t play WvW due to high ping problem. Try to put yourself in their shoes. What would you do if you spend US$50 and they forces you to play something you don’t / can’t because of technical problem.
Also FYI, in some country, US$ currency is pretty expensive.

4) You don’t need the entire line unlocked for it to be used (or even useful).
This is true.

5) Keeping them character bound keeps it in line with non-elite specs.
Also true.

Scrapper with dual pistol problem

in Engineer

Posted by: MrJ.8142


I don’t want to rant too long about it. Just please consider about this :
-> Not everyone like hammer, but still like gyros. I use dual pistol condi build with gyros and it’s total waste of trait. Please do something about this.

-> Your new map is great and big, but forces player who likes to solo to be party with other player or doomed to failed. Any suggestion?

Also thank you for hearing the engi-nades player so we could lock target with skill shot.

That’s all

Question for dev(please)

in Necromancer

Posted by: MrJ.8142


Is there a possibility that necromancer can use dual pistol? I need an honest answer. Since this will be my decision about returning to the game or not. Thank you for your time.

Ascended Gear - Really that much hate?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrJ.8142


actually if you read the forum back, Anet doesn’t want to do gear treadmill at all, but lots of stupid elementary and childish kitten gamer keep kittening and kittening nonstop like there’s no tomorrow, asking for more content, more of this, more of that. This piece of crap lack of this and that. SO, THEY FREAKIN LISTENED and give us an event without any gear treadmill. ONCE AGAIN, those kind of player kittening more and more, still lack of content, still doesn’t know what kind of end game, wasting of time etc. AND THEY LISTENED AGAIN, now they give us ascended and THIS IS HOW YOU GUYS THANKING THEM?

Be a good gamer. You can ask for content, if they give one, give a positive feedback, not with kittenin around like hell.

Why people will not play this game.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrJ.8142


FotM actually is a good dungeon and fun, but the main problem is nobody wanted to do any other dungeon again because of it.

Downloading 0Kb (0 Kb/sec)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MrJ.8142


I don’t know what the heck happened last night, but after I woke up, I suddenly can’t play my gw2 anymore. I double click it and it said Downloading 0Kb (0 Kb/sec).

I turned off my firewall, antivirus etc like I read in some post and I still got nothing. Any help here?

GW2, pegi 12 - dead whales upsetting for younger players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrJ.8142


They just saw VIRTUAL dead whales. What’s the problem? They should’ve seen worse on the news about dead bodies etc.

Are we every get Air combat?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrJ.8142


Here’s another idea before we could build an airship, a tank from Charr’s tech.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MrJ.8142


Nothing changed.. The delay is still there.. Can I get help here?

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MrJ.8142


Okay, now another report, I can’t do Claw of Jormag too because of the delay.

Seriously, please fix this problem ASAP.. :<

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MrJ.8142


To Dev, Anet crew, or anyone who has anything to do with server issue,

Since the last patch, I have been having a problem. I’ve done everything I could on my end, including buying new router, contacting my ISP, changing a new ISP, play from my friend’s house,etc. No matter what I do, I still get a bad delay problem.

Everything works just fine when I play with a small group of people. But when it comes to a “zerg”, I will get a really long delay. 5-60 secs ++ just for using 1 skill, and what worse is, during this delay, I can get attacked by anything. This delay problem really make this game unplayable especially on WvW.

How fast can you fix this problem?

Here’s another info if you need it for data to fix this delay problem :
I’m playing from SEA, 190-250 m/s latency, without any lag or delay.


in Engineer

Posted by: MrJ.8142


Actually, just go play whatever style you like. If you like power/prec/ crit dmg, go for it. Why did you need other people approvement or something? You are the one who play your own character and you are the one who understand yourself.

I go power/prec/crit dmg as a necro and full condition dmg on warrior. Result? Very amusing and very much to my liking.
I am making a full power/prec dual pistol engineer right now. I can kill some player in WvW at lv 26 :/

Pistol necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: MrJ.8142


Hey guys, I just wanted to know what do you all think about this.

As the topic says, I think it would be cool for a necro to using a pistol / dual pistols. It will looks like a kitten xD

Well this is just my little idea though, can Anet make this happen?