Showing Posts For MrShaunWilson.1502:

Sigil of Hydromancy breaks on downed state

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MrShaunWilson.1502


Confirmed? Still an issue?

Commander Plexie // GoM

Fast cast ground targeting and arrow carts?

in WvW

Posted by: MrShaunWilson.1502


Many people do not use the fast-cast option because the ring is missing. Despite trying to retrain them, they are inefficient with this config. Often pulling u-turn, overrun and straight-strafing tactics to lay anything down reasonably well.

I think for these players that need the visual assistance it would be cool, and they would start to play way more efficiently.

That said, I hate the ring myself. I prefer using my mouse pointer for targeting. If Anet Dev changes this, please add an option to turn the ring off (independent of the fast-cast option itself) and simply default it to enabled.

Commander Plexie // GoM

Thieves uncatchable?

in Thief

Posted by: MrShaunWilson.1502


Sorry if reposted. Thieves can be stopped by GS guardians, skill 5. Bubbles will block teleports.

Would be interested to know for certain if walls of reflection can stop their teleport, I’ve always assumed it does.

Commander Plexie // GoM

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: MrShaunWilson.1502


the server score means jack kitten. You win, you move up to the bottom of another meaningless tier’s score. Maybe more people? Maybe a couple better fights? Not really. You stay in months and months with same tier? Score means physically nothing. You’re fighting for meaningless points that hold ZERO merit. Top tier bragging rights? WRONG, top tiers have 80+ man zergs……how does that make them a better, tougher tier? It doesnt, just more people. PERIOD.

I think that server-balancing and user-ranking need to be separated. I also think there should be multiple vectors for ranking. For example, leaderboards specific to ‘the current match’ and/or for a ‘season’:

Player Kill Rank (you land majority damage on a PK),
Siege Rank (you drop, build and/or use siege equipment to winning effect),
Tower Rank (you siege, capture and defend towers to winning effect),
Teamplay Rank (you join a group/party and WvW to winning effect),
Aggregate/Overall Rank (an appropriately weighted sum of the above),

Such leaderboards would only be meaningful within your ‘bracket’, or within ‘a single match’, and would help players understand better how they are matching up against peers, and also let them know where they may be lacking. I would live to see where I stand vs. both my Peers and vs. my Enemies in each of the above areas, as I work my little Asuran bootay off in every single one of them.

Commander Plexie // GoM