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[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mrlimmyboi.3510


Race: Norn
Class: Ranger
Armor: Medium Orr karma boots.

While I feel this isn’t directly A bug, I do feel it needs to be corrected. Because, personally, it’s infuriating.

As the title reads, the medium Orr boots for Norn females aren’t to scale. As in, it looks like my ranger, somehow, managed to fit her feet into the human versions of the boots. Which also makes her feet look disproportional, when compared to the rest of her body. As many many know, on all the other female races, these boots come up to just below the knee, and look pretty kitten cool, mind you. However, with Norn, they barely come up to the shin.

It is possibly just a illusion caused by the smaller height, but the boots also look to small for my ranger. Making her feet seem tiny, when compared to other boots.

This, for me, is very annoying. While it is in no way a game breaker, I do find myself annoyed whenever I look at them. Especially when I stand next to a human and notice our boots are the same size. I’m like seven foot tall! My clothes should be bigger!

I’m calling Norn discrimination! Bwhaha! In all seriousness though, I would like these boots to be corrected at some point. Especially considering how popular they are.

- Alyrella, Norn Ranger of Blacktide.
