Showing Posts For MrsLarson.6975:
I completed my monthly a couple days ago, but when the reward window came up laurels were not included. It wasn’t just missing from the window – my total did not increase. I have heard that it was possible to complete the monthly twice this month – once before and once after the patch – and that you wouldn’t get the laurels the 2nd time. This is not what happened for me. I completed it this week for the first time. I did send a bug report, but as there wasn’t a good fit for the category, I wasn’t sure it would end up being viewed by the right person. Any help would be great. Thanks!
GS and Staff;ToAg1CqosxYjwGrNObk2s8YUB
I use this for my PvP but I do use the same points used for my PvE build too. I change Illusionary Defense for Debilitating Dissipation in general PvE unless in dungeon, as the extra random condition is great and I don’t take as much damage. I use different utilities for PvE also, but change them around depending on the area/situations (Elites especially).
I actually call this my Martyr build, as I rely just as much on the clones getting destroyed through replacements or actual attack, than I do using shatters. Anyone near a clone when they go, get a stack on confusion per clone (and a random condition if using Debilitating Defense). With 40% less CD for getting illusions out and the dodge clone, there’s a lot of exploding clones around.
The reduced CD’s using GS Training and Chaotic Dampening are not only great for getting illusions out even faster, but it means less waiting to use all skills. Plus the extra power on the GS is nice and changing to staff with it’s extra toughness really helps to survive many crowded situations.
I hope no future changes cause me to lose this build as I love how when my clones are alive, they give bleeds but when killed, they give confusion. And I seem to have the right balance with the power, crit and condition damage to make it all count. I did use the Divinity runes but now prefer Dolyak now for the extra toughness in PvP.
Dark Blue – This is my favorite weapon combo as well, and I have a similar play style. I’m about to craft a new set of gear, and am having trouble deciding what route to go. Could you tell me which armor and weapon sets you use? Knights? Valkyrie? Berserker? A combo? Thanks!!!
I’m working on a dd/sb build, with my traits being 0/30/0/20/20.
I’m still pretty new to the thief class, and this is my first attempt at coming up with a build.
I’m a little stuck on the gear/runes/sigils. Would I be better off focusing on precision/condition dmg or precision/crit? Also, I’m wondering where the best place is to throw in some toughness for survivability (and how much). Any advice on the build or especially the gear is much appreciated.
Forgive me if you’ve already answered this. What weapon/armor sets are you using? I saw you use Dwayna’s runes, but for the armor’s main stats… which three do you focus on?
Clerics: power/toughness/healing?
Knights: power/precision/toughness?
or something else entirely?
Thanks for all of the info so far!!! I found this post after getting one shot repeatedly in a dungeon last night – I guess I was a little too glass cannon. I cant’ wait to try again with these adjustments!