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Druid Reveal Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Mungtra.6728


1) I like the idea of Celestial form that transforms all Glyph utilities to new sets of Glyph skill. Can you make it works for other utilities as well? It would be awesome. For example,
- Sun Spirit: Instead of summon a sun spirit, you grant nearby allies a chance to inflict burning
- Signet of Stone: When activate, Your allies (not you nor your pet) take no damage from attack.
- Search and Rescue: Your pet will seek out and finish a downed foe.

2) Pet should get synergy some how while Druid is in Celestial Form to compensate the lack of damage. Maybe increase pet’s damage and health by 100% or may pet’s stats are added by druid’s stats while in Celestial Form.

3) Make Glyph some how works with long-ranged weapon as well. Damage and buff done by Glyph only is limited to 600 radius around Druid which is kind of useless for longbow spec or even staff skill 1. What about have a trait that allows Glyph to activate at around pet instead Druid or maybe increase radius to 900.

4) “(Minor) Celestial Being: You can equip staves and gain access to glyphs. You can become a celestial avatar once you gain enough astral force. Generate astral force by healing allies and damaging foes.” …….I don’t like this. It force players who want to use a staff or Glyph to activate with this trait line. Seriously, when players purchase Gw2 HoT, they should be able to access all new weapon and utility skills directly.

Post your Human!

in Human

Posted by: Mungtra.6728


My toon, she tries to be Erza Scarlet.


Ascended Celestial Armor?

in Ranger

Posted by: Mungtra.6728


Go for it dude.

From my experience, the higher level of FoTM (30+) still need some survival stats (Vitality, healing, Toughness). Molten Berserker/Firestorm are good examples (if they also get a buff that hit harder from behind, survival stats are the must). I still remembered that pug with warriors claiming full zerker and ended up downed less than few minutes fighting the bosses. Sure dodging could help avoid damage, but at some point will take some damage anyway.

Because we don’t know what will come in the future patch, stay with a balanced-stat armor set like Celestial is not a bad idea. Anet might introduce later a content/boss required certain amount of survival stat to achieve.

Time and cost are another thing. I’m also a casual player, so one complete set of ascended armor will take me quite sometime to obtain for sure. I plan to get all ascended Celestial armor too (even though I got full set celestial exotic set already, hate u anet). Sure the increased stats are so tiny comparing with exotic set and look like worthless for farming mat and craft, but what I’m concerned are the defensive infusion slots. What if later anet introduces a new infusion upgrade with stat higher than +5, and hard to obtain. I’m pretty sure if this happened, likely most of people would have only one set of ascended armor upgraded with the new infusions.

With above predictions, for me, ascended Celestial is worth to get.

Fractal's Ascended Back Piece, a complaint

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mungtra.6728


Vials of Powerful Blood could be obtain by opening bag or looting from monster.

Ranger in Dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mungtra.6728


Coming back to the game now, I see all this negative talk about Ranger and it worries me, not because I care if it is a little more difficult to get a group but because I am legitimately worried that, in the current state of the game, I may not be able to actually bring something to the table for my guild/party as a Ranger.

Most people think that pet is useless when it dies, but few people think that pet dies because it receives some damage instead of them. Most people think that shortbow could only autoattack, but few people think that shortbow could also cripple and interrupt. Most people think Spirit is a joke and die fast, but few people think if summoning it on the right place, it could last and provide buff for 60 sec. Etc. Don’t let the negative talk mind you. I mainly play ranger and I don’t care what people say. Hope this cheer you up.

First dungeon, frustrated and disappointed...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mungtra.6728


You should learn the dungeon mechanics, and don’t just give up because it’s not what you expect. I’m pretty sure most people including myself, when they tried AC story first time, had a hard time. I died quite often. But later on the third or forth run, I know what to do, and avoid to die often. Dodge and condition removal are important in the dungeon. I think any build with proper gears should do fine in story mode as long as you know the mechanics of the dungeon. For me, I normally run Greatsword Ranger with mainly focus on Healing and Toughness/Power. Sure it’s weird build but I enjoy it. It keep my pet survive and do quite certain total damage(pet+me). If you like to focus on Vitality and Toughness Warrior, instead of Tank, you should aim for support role. Banner and Shout are good ones. You should keep in mind that, in the dungeon, everyone always deal damage and receive damage, especially from boss, at the same time. So, you can’t simply cover all of their damage, but you can raise their survivability through your support skill.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mungtra.6728


Dude, this game is not for you, and I feel sorry that you waste your money on this game. Please next time try to do research about the game you would buy or at least check that whether the game’s mechanic is like wow or not.

Don't Cave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mungtra.6728


Wow a lot of folks here are really missing the whole point.

First off, the whole concept of a never-ending “endgame” is just absurd in the context of an RPG, regardless whether it’s MMO or single-player. Those who’ve tried it (EQ, WoW, et al) have always failed miserably at it.

By definition, “endgame” must be, and always will be, a repetitive grind in some fashion, since devs can not possibly put out content faster than players will consume it; eventually they must start repeating the content in order to have anything to do at “endgame”. This does NOT make for good gameplay.

So what does that leave? The whole rest of the game. One huge lesson I’m sure ArenaNet are taking from other games is that when the focus is placed on endgame, it renders all the pre-endgame (ie. leveling) content obsolete.

Look at WoW for example. The vast majority of its content is pre-level-cap, and yet the level cap is supposed to be “where it’s at” in terms of gameplay. And what is that level-cap gameplay? Endless repetition until the next content patch or expansion.

Now take a look at many of the great single-player RPGs that have predated MMORPGs over the decades, right up to current RPGs like the latest Elder Scrolls games. There is no “endgame” where you stop exploring/questing/leveling and start grinding for months on end; it makes no sense, since once you’ve defeated the game’s ultimate badguy(s), you’re effectively done. Sure, you can keep playing and poke around the gameworld, but your progression is over, period. You’ve beaten the game. You can then either put it down and be done, or try again with a different class/race/whatever for a different style.

GW2 is not a traditional MMORPG, in many respects. From ejecting the holy trinity of class roles (finally!), to prioritizing the journey (exploring/leveling) over the destination (so-called “endgame”), they’ve made fundamental changes to the way these games are played.

To complain about lack of endgame content in GW2 is like complaining that you can’t drive a Ferrari in a football game. It’s apples and oranges.

GW2 is not a game where you’re meant to play the same character at the level cap for years on end. It’s a game to explore and experience, to pick up or put down at your whim, where you’re not pressured or even expected (though you can if you like) to dump days-long marathon sessions into it.

To expect the tank/healer/dps paradigm is to miss the point. To expect that you need to play every available minute to get your money’s worth is to miss the point. To rush through the leveling process for the sake of reaching “endgame” is to really miss the point.

I’m not telling people how to play, but I will say that if you expect something from a game — any game — that’s just not there, nor is intended to be there, you’re entirely missing the point of that game.

Also, I agree with the OP entirely. ArenaNet, stick to your vision; if you try to please everyone, well… go look at Blizzard’s failed attempt at that, and learn from their mistakes instead of repeating them yourselves.

I really agree with this. The point of game should be to complete certain goal which for me is complete exploration or maybe get one legendary weapon. After that i might stop play it for a bit and come back later if i feel to play it or seek new challenge. I could come back and play it anytime with no pressure because i dont have to pay subscription fee, which i feel like the gw2 game doesn’t “force” me play it.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mungtra.6728


Have you try to open a pirate chest (jumping puzzle) in Lion’s arch? If not, try it with out any spoiler and you will see that exploration of gw2 is part of end game (at least for me).