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No more 'preview' for all armor types?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Munky.1356


Hey everyone. This is a fix that is working as intended. As these armor types were never designed to be worn together, it resulted in some graphic issues when previewing them.

We are aware that these armor types were not meant to be worn together because it isn’t possible outside of preview. When I do notice a clipping/graphical issue I don’t think twice about it. I just remove a piece of armor so it allows me to see the item more clearly. There are far more things to worry about that players have been requesting to be fixed that haven’t been attended to since launch. Minor graphical issues in preview isn’t one of the things that keeps me from enjoying the game.

The game is only 4 months old and there’s going to be a lot of changes to be made Guild Wars 1 went through a lot of changes. I remember when you guys added dye preview a year after launch and that made it easier for people who like to mix dye to see what it looked like before applying it. That game still has clipping issues and nobody really complains. I feel like not being able to see another classes armor is a step backwards.

(edited by Munky.1356)

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Munky.1356


Not being able to preview another classes armor made it extremely difficult to choose if an item I’ve gotten is worth keeping. I would have to put the item in the bank go to the character selection screen and preview the piece of armor on the appropriate class assuming I have the class to preview it on instead of just simply previewing it.

I also enjoy going into Heart of the Mist and previewing their armor selection before I make a new character. It would be easier for someone like me to do this all on one character instead of having to go through tutorial every time I want to preview something.

(edited by Munky.1356)