Showing Posts For Murdayne.3981:

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murdayne.3981


It’s called a Legendary for a reason. I myself wanted one, so I farmed and played my butt off until I had everything I needed. It wasn’t easy but if you want something that very few others have then that is the way it should be. If every person could spend a few hours doing a quest and obtain a legendary, what would be the point of owning one? I think if people spent as much time whining about this, farming for the matts/gold you’d have your legendary by now.

Toypacolypse Ruined Wintersday....

in Wintersday

Posted by: Murdayne.3981


Not only is it ridiculous to not let us join this event with friends and guildies, we also get chat banned after trying to say anything to the party more than a few times.

On top of all this, every time you try to pick an item up while moving you end up bugged and running forward uncontrollably for 2-3 seconds. (This bug has been around for MONTHS).

This needs to get fixed, asap. We complained about this exact same thing during Halloween and once again you continue with the same mistakes…..

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Murdayne.3981


Agreed. This is supposed to be an MMO that I can play with friends. Every single new event I end up having to play with complete strangers. Good luck getting to rank 10 with losing a Yak, with no voice comms.

Dear Wardrobe charrs and Norns...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Murdayne.3981


I just don’t get this. Once you get past the wait on the cog, if you’re going at anything near the speed required to make it the field clears out pretty quick, almost instantly in fact.

I do think it’s just a cover up for people who aren’t that good at JPs. Nothing wrong with that, but blaming a Norn or a Char is a bit low.

THIS exactly. I would say of the four hours it took me to get this down, there was usually only ONE person left with me after the initial cog part. By the time I got to the tiny square block jump there was usually no body.

Stop complaining because you’re bad.

clocktower needs to be solo instance

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Murdayne.3981


It’s been completed as it is. Nothing needs to be changed.

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Murdayne.3981


It’s pretty simple actually. If you don’t feel like “wasting” time doing it, don’t. There’s no title to gain, no monetary gain, not a single thing you can’t get another way. This is a game, there should be some challenge. End of story really.

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Murdayne.3981


Completed it last night after a few hours. Yea, it was annoying but so rewarding once I got it. Quit complaining. If you don’t want to do it, don’t. It’s about time a game put something difficult in. Everyone get’s handed everything on a silver platter now days.

It’s OBVIOUS that is IS possible to complete it. So quit whining.

What if we can't attend the one time event?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Murdayne.3981


What is this one time event? Anyone care to show a link?

Mad Kings Doors can be glitched open forever

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Murdayne.3981


You’re right. I could have swore I posted that this was on Isle of Janthir.

Mad Kings Doors can be glitched open forever

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Murdayne.3981


There are currently NUMEROUS haunted doors bugged in Gendarren Fields on the Isle of Janthir server. I’m sure we’re not the only server. Is there going to be a fix for this any time soon?

Is anyone else epicly sick of the QQ?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Murdayne.3981


Actually I’m sick of apologists.

Why do you think they’ve now acknowledged the problem with their lottery and are looking at ways to fix it? Because people complained. Not because a bunch of apologists applauded them.

This has nothing whatsoever about getting something for nothing, most people are more than happy to pay when they feel they are getting value for money. In this case many people felt they didn’t get value for money and made their feelings known.

Holiday events are meant to be fun and inclusive. Which is why turning it into a lottery where a few win big and most get nothing much out of it was a really poor business decision which I hope Anet have learned from for the future.

And yes, we’re all well aware there’s no subscription so they need to make money to keep developing the game for us. But a lottery with very poor odds is not the answer, this can only leave a lot of people feeling sour. There’s plenty of other options which would keep smiles on everyones faces, customers and Anet alike.

Amen. OP you’re the reason things never get fixed. We paid for a product and what we’re getting is sub par at best right now. Half the events are bugged or broken and the rest are mindless, thoughtless activities. Something needs to be said because things need to be fixed.

Mad Kings Doors can be glitched open forever

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Murdayne.3981


Can we get an update on Haunted Doors? Went hunting again today and after finding 15 doors, all stuck OPEN, with nothing coming out, I gave up. I don’t see anything about these posted but it’s highly disappointing.

What's the ???? Monthly Achievement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murdayne.3981


Wauwi, not sure what you’re are talking about…But you gave him a link with the correct answer and then gave the wrong answer…

“Requirements for October 2012’s monthly achievement are currently unknown. Name, description and tier description are all shown as ???. It has 3 tiers and first tier grants 2 .”

I’m thinking someone to do with Halloween maybe?