Showing Posts For Murr.4976:

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Murr.4976


Mag’s you guys hit like a overloaded mack truck, going too fast down hill (just to clarify that is a compliment) /salute. SBI can definitely learn from you. On TS I’ve heard it discussed the mag doesn’t care for ppt, and after being steamrolled by you. I agree your out for the fights. Hopefully over the week we can give you some better fights.

On a side note SBI has some AAA class trollers please know they are a minority on the server. If I could staple their fingers to the keyboard I would

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Murr.4976


Greeting fellow wvw’rs, please remember that most of these posts are made by a minority of a server and of those that do post a large portion are board people looking for a reaction. I here by issue out golden rods to all you epic trollers, may you display them proudly on your mantel piece.

Now I want to remind everyone else that the most of us gamers are having fun and NOT cheating/hacking/trolling/griefing and are angry and disappointed at anyone who does regardless if it’s my server or your server. Most of the folks on SBI or very friendly and helpful. I’ve no doubt most of the people on YB and Ebay are also friendly and helpful. I know SBI has some serious nasty trollers, I hate it but there’s little other than /ignore or reporting, that can be done.

Aside from the forum drama and obvious foul play going on in YB AND SBI, there have been some great fights on all sides. I want to salute the silent majority who play fair and have fun!


9/6 NSP / IoJ / SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Murr.4976


I want to commend IOJ on their fierce defense of bay, that was a fun battle and I do mean battle! On a side note I was disappointed in some of SBI teabagging such valiant defenders of their bl. I for one salute you.

8/30/2013 BP/SBI/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Murr.4976


I just want to say this match up has been a lot of fun, as one of the recent transfers to SBI I can commend SBI’s organization. To BP and DH I salute your wvw players especially to the BP group that took hills when everyone said BP had quit.
To the forum warriors on all sides :Ppppppppp lighten up
To those who posted positive feed back and compliments to any of the severs &/or guilds, thank you for the revitalizing breath of fresh air.
May we all have challenging and fun matchup for the coming week.

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Murr.4976


Greetings fellow WvW’ers,
I rarely post but thought I would insert my 2 cents. Please keep in mind the opinions and trolls voiced in the forums are a minority of the server population. While DR has it’s forum warriors and the occasional male chest thumping declaring “I’m better than you are! You (insert kitten word of your choice) suck!” attitude, the majority of DR are the same friendly/helpful folks you would find on any server, who’s voice you do not hear.

We lose some, we win some (though I can wish for more grace on all sides). There have been some fun fights and I solute the quiet majority on a match well played who ever wins by whatever criteria you choose.

And I will still try to delay you from taking camps while shouting in map chat to come save the squishy, L2P, support, staff ele.

Spark Fall (DDLG) & (LEX)


in Match-ups

Posted by: Murr.4976


A very rough night for DR, we had some bright moments but couldn’t seem to get our game on tonight, we will rebound!

wvw server imbalance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Murr.4976


WvW balance, I’ve enjoyed WvW but it appears most often that one server easily dominates both others. I don’t know the stats but generally it appears that the losers are outnumber significantly. The out numbered buff is not much incentive , what good is +magic find/karma/exp if your always being ganked 3-1? Why not add to the out numbered buff to take less damage/do more damage? That way there is a ghost of a chance for a low population to compete with a high population?