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Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mycenia.7243


I’m sorry, but people are getting way off kilter with this. I highly doubt that this armor is more than the legendary equivalent of armor. You don’t even know WHAT the infusion does, but you’re already to howl about it. Stop being melodramatic. This isn’t WoW. The gear stats are not going to change the entire dynamic of the game. I’ve killed people in wvw wearing level 40 blues versus their level 80 exotics. Gear helps, but it doesn’t define the game.

Let’s get this down the the very heart of the problem… And that is allowing people to make gear grinding significant. Don’t join guilds that want “outfitted” people. Don’t run dungeons with people who complain about your gear. If you make the elitist behavior unacceptable, then it can’t take hold. No matter what gear situation you’re dealing with. It is only three months in, there is almost no way that this gear wasn’t planned BEFORE the game’s release. Anet wanted it in there for a reason. But if you feel the need to quit because you’re too afraid to stand up to annoying people with counterproductive gaming mentalities, then by all means. The less crying we have to see in chat, the better.