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380k to 112k Steamroll - And Mike Ferguson shows us why

in WvW

Posted by: Myrkur.7049


Actually… matching up servers with similar graphs may be the answer?

This would be a good step. However, even just 1 hour where one server has a queue and the other 2 don’t could mean that server is able to capture every holding on multiple maps, and also give them position to upgrade those holdings to make it harder to take them back.

Queue size data from 9-14 to 9-18 (NA)

in WvW

Posted by: Myrkur.7049


I merged the graphs of the servers in my matchup, Blackgate vs Crystal Desert vs Gates of Madness. I changed the Hue/Color of each graph to match the color the server represented during the matchup, Blue for GoM, Red for Blackgate and Green for Crystal Desert.

The merged Graph is attached. Notice that Queue times were pretty even that first day or 2, with GoM logging off a little earlier than BG and CD those first 2 nights. Then the start of the Third day, CD has more people waiting in queue earlier than the other 2 servers. Coincidentally, that Monday morning Blackgate and Gates of Madness woke up to Crystal Desert owning EVERY holding, and had upgraded them fully. You can see that participation was alright in that third day(monday), but it was much lower than the previous two days (saturday and sunday). This could be attributed to the work day and not everyone being able to play as much. But you can see Crystal Desert had a nice population during the weekdays and into the nights, with it not ever dropping below map capacity between the third and fourth day.

You can really see BG and GoM pretty much give up that fourth day, as their queue length peak drops considerably, and the queue starts later and ends earlier for the servers than the previous 3 days.

I think this really shows the detrimental effect Night Capping has on WvWvW in week+ long matches. BG and GoM were eager to fight, BG was even winning over the weekend in our matchup. Then that first day CD was able to get on early and get a lead on the other 2 servers. When it happened again the next day, GoM and BG gave up and didn’t care anymore with 3 more days still to play. 2 Week long matchups will be even worse when half way through the first week 2 servers just give up trying, all thanks to one server being able to take every holding while the other two are unable to log on for various reasons.

Link to the merged Graph –

(edited by Myrkur.7049)

Please enlarge the WvW zones

in WvW

Posted by: Myrkur.7049


The EBG is nice in that it has a lot of objectives. 10-20 people can sneak behind enemy lines and take a tower. But Every tower/keep can siege any 2 (sometimes 3+) holding from within. It gives the map a very cramped feeling, you are constantly throwing rocks at your neighbors house from your bathroom window…

The Borderland maps… I like placement of holdings on the borderland maps, but I don’t like the terrain layout. The terrain forces a flow to the map for zergs. It’s Supply Camp -> Tower-> Keep. Every path you take, you will hit a supply Camp, then a tower, then a keep. It feels very “on rails” to me. It’s very difficult to sneak past enemy lines unnoticed because of how small the map is in conjunction with the flow of it.

A simple stretching of the map would do wonders for me personally. After playing in WvWvW for a couple weeks straight now, the maps feel very small and very cramped.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Myrkur.7049


Big night for WvWvW this evening guys! We should coordinate our opening strategy tonight before the reset. We can do this on IRC or Totn’s Teamspeak.

I know for a fact that you have IRC info. If you need Totn’s Teamspeak Info you can PM me, or contact Alejos Totenreich in game. Let’s open up strong and crush the spirit of our enemies tonight!

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Myrkur.7049


Thanks for the support Raist.

Yea, it’s difficult. I can talk about how awesome IRC could be for us till I am blue in the face. If everyone uses it, then it’s a very quick way to find out what guilds are operating on what maps. Quicker than logging onto some secure web forum and wade through posts for the info, or to individually message every guild leader online. The trend is for someone to log into IRC however (at this beginning stage) and only see a few people in there, and then leave. If no one ever left, then we’d have plenty of people to talk to.

Hopefully people start using it. Every game I’ve ever played for any length of time, the community did a lot of planning and talking through IRC, so I’m partial to it.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Myrkur.7049


Added you to friends, I also have Drtrider on my list from Monday night

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Myrkur.7049


I’ve been at contacting guilds and trying to help get the server better organized for almost about a week now. I’ve met with Alejos Totenreich of [Totn], met Darine Marine of [SANC], Drakniel of [RAD], General Typhus of [GanK], Drtrider of [EtG], and I have friends in [CYT]. We’ve all talked to eachother. We’ve all tried to kickstart the alliance individually.

I get the feeling there is a bit of apathy towards creating an alliance on GoM. Everyone says they want to do the alliance, but don’t work at it. I hear from people once, and then never again. I think all of us are complacent within our own guild bubble. We have these tools to get much better organized, but no one is using them. There is a good GoM alliance recruitment thread over in the GW2 Guru Stonemist Castle forum. I’ll copy/paste my post from there. If you are serious about WvWvW, get into IRC and idle. Ask questions. I typically know where some of the larger or better guilds are operating and can let you know what map you could either join a good force or if you have the #s start taking territory on other maps.

I’ve set up an IRC Channel on the gamesurge network. I urge any and all GoM players to idle in there. We can easily coordinate what maps guilds are playing on. I’ve been spamming the info the past couple days, and people are slowly starting to trickle in. Once we have a good base of users in there it can be leveraged by the server to find groups for Dungeons, tPvP, and WvWvW in addition to knowing what guilds are present on what maps and easy to know info like what is currently being sieged by large groups.

We ([IHOP]) have been working with [CYT] the past couple of nights and we are getting some good success. Totenreich [Totn] is usually doing work in the GoM Borderlands and the EBG when they can get in there. They have a nice size force lead by Alejos, and are doing good to take territory each and every day. I know of Darine Marine and his guild(I’m so sorry I can’t think of the tag), as well as General Typhus leading [GanK]. Drakniel and The Radiance Brotherhood [RAD] are still leveling a bit but are eager to join the cause and have offered their website forums as a place for the server to talk strategy. I am doing my best to gather intel on where each of us are operating and trying to place my team on maps I think we will best help, but we can do better.

We welcome any and all guilds on GoM to participate in WvWvW. We are starting to build a nice list of WvWvW active guilds, and are looking to move towards putting together a GoM Alliance website. This is in the very beginning stages and we are looking for anyone that does work in websites for help in finding hosting, domain name, and most importantly design and powerful forums to fit our needs. In the mean time, get in IRC, contact other guild leaders, get active and start working together.

Visit for more information about the gamesurge IRC network. Including how to create and authorize your “nick” on the IRC Server, create your own channels and more. Popular IRC clients are mIRC (you don’t have to register if you don’t mind dealing with the popup), IceChat, XChat, Colloguy, or chatzilla. There are also IRC Client Apps for Android and iPhone, so check that out too.

It’s time we stopped screwing around as one big PUG Zerg server and do some real WvWvW. Feel free to contact myself, or any other GMs of other guilds (that’s right, I’m putting you all out there). I play Jaryn Har in game and my account is Myrkur.7049 add to friends.