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WvW Matchup system. Ideas needed.

in WvW

Posted by: Myst.3082


Well what do you know. The gaming gods have created variety.

It was probably the computer, or a new Anet system but I am claiming that this thread was the catalyst to mix around the matchups.

Im looking forward to EoTM but in the mean time fighting new servers is a welcome change.

The Humungos
Yak’s Bend

WvW Matchup system. Ideas needed.

in WvW

Posted by: Myst.3082


The phrase ‘WvW blowout matchups’ is no longer seen in the WvW forums.

Congrat’s to Anet for fixing the uneven balance.

I would like to open a discussion on how to address an issue created by the new matchup system.

In the past players, including myself, asked for closer competition. We didn’t want to play against teams more than 3 ranks above or below. That is 6 possible realms to fight each week. (Playing realms ranked 6+ levels below you no fun for the crusher or the crush-ed). However the current system has gone from one extreme to the other.

Always 1 v 2 v 3
Always 3 v 4 v 5
Always 6 v 7 v 8

This system means the same teams play against each other over and over. Case in point: SBI v SOS v Yak’s Bend. This matchup has been the same for the past 3 weeks. Tomorrow we may have the same matchup for a fourth week running. If that happens I may head butt my keyboard several times.

This rigid structure is not what we suggested.

Here is what we asked for. No matchups more than 3 ranks above or below.

Solution: Human input from an Anet employee to give the matchups variety and therefore more enjoyment. It would take 5 minutes to set up.

Tomorrows new matchups will probably be the same same again.
BG v SoR v JQ
TC v Mag v SA

Why not give players some new and varied challenges:

Tier 1: Give FA a shot at the title, against SoR and JQ.
Tier 2: The BG juggernaut facing off against the might of TC and SBI.
Tier 3: Mag against the oceanic power of SOS and bring in DB.
Tier 4: BP and EB lining up to settle an old score with Yak’s

Would this manipulated variety give players what they want or are you happy with the current sequential matchup system?

Does Anet need players from each realm suggesting who they want to fight against? (Hell, who wouldn’t want a shot at Blackgate?).

Are there any other ways to create variety on the same battleground maps? Eg: Mixed teams. BG&DB v SoR&BP v JQ&EB. Imagine running with and learning from Blackgate. Or fighting against Jade Quarry. Or showing Sorrows Furnace how to golem rush SBI’s garrison.

Until new battleground maps are available we need players like YOU to suggest ideas that provide variety to the matchups. Even daft ideas may trigger discussion and a new approach.

Don’t get me wrong. I love GW2. I love WvW. And I love the close fights that SBI and SOS give us every week. But I sense my guildies and myself are growing weary of fighting the same ‘middle tier’ people for 20 days in a row. (Maybe 28 days, or 35).

Do we need human intervention because the computer sucks at choosing matchups?

And how can we get a drop, or even just a ‘thimble’ of matchup variety within WvW?

The Humungos
Yak’s Bend

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.3082


Positive food for thought Sorrows Furnace and Eredons Terrace.

Last week we (Yak’s) beat Emrhy Bay. If you look at the matchup tables you will see that Emrhy Bay is crushing Kaineng and Henge of Denravi.

In theory you guys should be able to give Kain and HoD a run for their money. You are making solid progress and I noticed on the weekend your guilds following your commanders closely and hooking into the rear of our groups. Great tactic. You also gathered supply and sieged up your garrisons quickly and had good placement of supply traps.

You will have to wait until after the league but it will be interesting to see how you advance later this year.

Good luck in the next few weeks. I have no doubt one of you will win the bronze league. Too close to call who it will be.

The Humungos
Yak’s Bend

Why is it that every match is a blowout?

in WvW

Posted by: Myst.3082



Radioactive you are 100% right. WvW is a ghost town this week. My server is crushing the other two and it’s no fun for any of us. I have even started looking looking for a new PC game so, for a massive GW2 fan like myself, I realised something is wrong and have come to the forums to see if others are feeling the same.

Problem – server whitewash. Evidence WvW maps 95% of territory held by 1 server.
Problem – uneven match-ups = server moral falling. Evidence; read the WvW match-up forums for all of the 5 blowout matches.
Problem – Playing other servers 5-6 ranks above or below. Evidence
The bar graphs highlight the inequality. In fact it looks like the leading server’s bar is a massive erectus and the other two are ‘softies’.

There are only two tiers with a close match. Tier 1 and tier 7.
1 Blackgate v’s 3 Jade Quarry.
20 Eredon Terrace v’s 22 Fergusson’s Crossing.

And suddenly you understand…
These servers are NOT 5-6 ranks above each other. There is a 2 rank difference.

So for the love of Asura, PLEASE match us against other serves within 1-2 ranks above or below.

We don’t care if we play against BP or CD or Kain every week as long as it’s close.

No one wants to be matched with servers 3-6 ranks below. We crush them, they leave, it gets boring. BP and CD and Kain don’t leave. They keep coming at us and they make us bleed for every inch of ground. That’s what we play for.

There is no perfect system. But surely there is logic in matching us against the servers who are close to your equal.

The Humungos
Yak’s Bend

9/20 SF/HoD/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.3082


if you are a thief that spams stealth/heartseeker and ganks green arrows then yes it is appropriate to hop on your dead body reguardless of the situation.

Nope..Guardian. Now I can see it if I was trolling them it may be warranted, and with 8 of them I am sure they were not all green arrows but as I stated it was one against 3 and then suddenly 8 more.

I have noticed YB does that sort of thing quite often….disappointing to say the least but karma is a b….

It’s good sportsmanship, that’s all.

All servers have a couple of adolescent players who do that. You’re right, it does p!ss you off when you fight outnumbered and get /laugh. Just ignore. The vast majority don’t use or encourage that emote when fighting. Respect and /salute for 1 v 11 !!!

There was an SOS zerg that ran me over one day and a guy put up a roasting spit over my body. I was laughing so hard I couldn’t double-click the waypoint.

The Humungos
Yak’s Bend

The Humungos
Yak’s Bend