Showing Posts For MysticLlamaMan.9120:

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MysticLlamaMan.9120


Hey guys!

Started playing this game during beta and launch with some other friends as well as a guild of 60+ people from previous games, all of whom quit within a month, while I spent the first two months rolling and rerolling new characters trying to find the right profession to main. After the dust cleared I had no one left to play with and having played with the same guild and group of people in different games for the past 10 years (I am a stickler for guild loyalty) I had little interest or even knowledge in finding a new group of people to play with. So, like many others, I stopped playing the game shortly after I hit 80, without even finishing the personal story or bothering to run more than a couple story mode dungeons.

Well, I’ve been back about a week and I decided to hell with everyone that quit, I want to play this game and I want to make new friends, even if I have forgotten how.

Name: Wiseman, Mystic, or Matt is what most people call me. =P
Main Character: Wiseman Black
Current Server: Tarnished Coast
Interested Activities: Socialising, Dungeons, PvE, sPvP, WvWvW, Events and I also like helping people out (jumping puzzles, story instances, events, skill points, anything).
Active: I mostly start playing after work between 2pm PST to around Midnight Weekdays and Weekends.
Additional Comments: I originally got into online gaming in general around 18 or so years ago for the head to head competitive aspect (pvp if you will) of various shooters or strategy games on Kali so while I do immensely enjoy PvE, PvP will always be my first love.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Absolutely