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Possible solution to the WvW queue issues: Queue Prioritization.

in WvW

Posted by: Nairb.7198


Here’s a better idea that wouldn’t take near as much work for anet. Close off transfers to servers with queues longer than 30m and then if you don’t like waiting in line, transfer to a less populated server.

10/12 Tarnished Coast/Fort Aspenwood/Blackgate

in WvW

Posted by: Nairb.7198


I don’t get the people getting all down about being behind in the score. First off what did you expect was going to happen when we keep moving up the ranks and have such a limited night presence. More importantly though is what does it really matter if we win the matchup or not. You don’t get anything for the win except bragging rights. For me I think I’d be more proud to brag about my server for persavering in a one sided matchup and continuing to go out there and have fun during he times when we are able to actually put up a good fight.
I know alot of times we are being outzerged but even then you can have fun out there. Put together a small group and do a little guerilla warfare. Sure you’re gonna end up getting run over occasionally doing that but you also find yourself in some really good skirmishes. And there’s nothing like causing a little havoc behind enemy lines.

I’ll tell you from personal experience I started off on HoD when the ge launched and sure it was fun to be able to say you were on the #1 server for a bit but then the novelty wears off and you want to be able to just go out there and pvp. I got tired of sitting in queues for 3 hours so I moved to TC after a couple weeks. I haven’t reverted it for a minute. TC’s community is amazing. Sure we aren’t gonna win every match but who cares as long as you are having fun. I have to say that I’m very proud that our server continues to show up even when we get behind in the score. I continue to have a great time in wvw whenever I’m out there.


10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Nairb.7198


Aside from gaining a few more oceanics I think we(TC) are more successful against DB this time around because we have CD to keep them in check overnight with their larger nighttime presence.
When we lost to DB last time it’s because they wracked up a ton of points at night. Mag didnt have a night time crew to hold DB back either. Like in that matchup we are very competitive during our primetime hours but just don’t have the off-peak population to hold on to objectives.
We have gained a few more off-peak players so we’ll have to see how we do against them if we get matched up against them again along with a different server.