Showing Posts For Naisikras.6573:

PvP locker and it's impossible mysteries..?

in PvP

Posted by: Naisikras.6573


Ohh dang I read that wrong! I am sorry. Ottigan and Darnis my heroes thank you!

PvP locker and it's impossible mysteries..?

in PvP

Posted by: Naisikras.6573


That doesn’t tell me how to unlock the pvp version of them in the pvp locker, care to explain a little more thoroughly?

PvP locker and it's impossible mysteries..?

in PvP

Posted by: Naisikras.6573


I am getting frustrated searching in hopes of finding the answer to this.

How on earth do I unlock the Cultural Armor sets in the pvp locker?

I bought a T1 piece to see if buying it would somehow unlock the pvp version of it.. nope.

So I’m guessing it has to do with that freakin mystic forge.

Anyone care to enlighten me on how I unlock this stuff?

Thank you so much and I appreciate any responses.

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: Naisikras.6573


I actually completely agree with you. WvW, the idea is magnificent, but the actual game play.. well is a little mindless imho.

What is a “commander” I mean REALLY! Some ding dong could easily cash out and buy that title on his first day playing guild wars. And I am expected to follow him around?

I propose WvW be a little more structured, in that sense “commander” is now Commander experienced and respected. Make this title not impossible, but obviously not as easy to get as it now, furthermore, give titles to everyone in WvW.

With the amount of points you rack up contribute to your title in say a week’s time, and you either ascend or descend in rank, depending if you did nothing or did something that week. This of course is only cosmetic and in no way shape or form make your character better, just the chance to receive a respectable title, and make WvW that much more rewarding.

Special dyes ( account AND character bound ). If you see someone with Abyss or Celestial dyed armor, either you think he payed a boat load of gold or just got lucky. Why not the same thing with WvW special hued dyes. These could be some special militarized dyes, or just whatever that upon seen from other characters is automatic recognition that WHOEVER that IS a PvPer! ( comes with rank )

Special armor/weapon skins. In no way shape or form better than a casual player’s gear. Purely cosmetic that could encourage a casual player to play more, specifically.. WvW. ( comes with rank )

There are many, many MANY cosmetic things you could add to WvW to improve player’s interest, and make them feel like they aren’t just running around in a zerg mindlessly.. giving them a sense of reward.

This would not only improve interest but also boost moral and motivate players to, well, play and enjoy WvW. A lot of people will go to extraordinary lengths for flashy things, take legendary for example.

Lastly, adding cosmetic effects would be huge. There is absolutely no negative effects from it ( it would NOT make this player ELITE ) other than the “cool” factor he presents.

This game should not be gear based, you should not reward a player with being better than everyone else because he has more time devoted to play than a casual player. I hate to bring this up, but take WoW for example. PvP is NOT skill based for casual players, a guy who plays 10 hours a day will FACEROLL a casual player because of his GEAR ONLY.

I truly think Guild Wars 2 has potential.

This is just my two cents, sorry if someone suggested it already, I was fixing to read all the post.

Pass your wisdom to me please?

in WvW

Posted by: Naisikras.6573


Okey, then first off, let me give you a warning. This game isn’t ideal for solo/small scale type of players, it is much more large scale / zerg oriented, less about skills, more about numbers. I know, as I am a small scale player myself. I’m also a former UO player coming to this game expecting miracles. Yet I am quite disappointed to say the least.

If you still want to continue with the game regardless of this warning, I’ll write up a proper post for you.

Unfortunately, as you know Sansarah, UO’s pvp is still unmatched. But my hunger for pvp has never faded! I have been searching and searching for skill based pvp games and I strongly feel GW2 provides this content.

Just the fact that WvW has such an immense map, gives you the chance for small scale pvp, even 1v1. ( this is my opinion though, I don’t know for a fact ) Even though the ultimate objective relies on large scale assaults, I understand this and I think I am going to stick this one out.

Pass your wisdom to me please?

in WvW

Posted by: Naisikras.6573


First off, before anything.

@Naisikras: What type of player are you?

Do you play solo / small scale / large scale etc.

What kind of pvp’er are you, what is your preference to pvp etc?

I can’t help you without writing a mile long post without more info.

Generally speaking I love random 1v1 fight or 1v2 fights and playing a glass cannon type build. However, I also like running with maybe 3-4 other players who know how to play their class, and we have to rely on each other to absolutely dominate the battlefield. I would be willing to play my needed role in order to achieve this goal. ( Sorry to use this reference, but much like WSG in WoW )

If by large scale you mean 20+ then generally no I don’t care for it mainly because it seems to be pretty uncoordinated, and usually you get stuck playing with a lot of goofy players which equals failure. Also to get into a GOOD player group that large, I don’t think I have the time necessary to contribute. Usually because of the wife :p

So, I guess you could say I’m a smarter casual player. ( and I say smarter because a lot of people just make some goofy templates, don’t really research their class, other classes, tactics for pvp etc )

Sorry for the long post.

Pass your wisdom to me please?

in WvW

Posted by: Naisikras.6573


First of all, let me say I am extremely impressed with the whole WvW thing. I can’t believe a game finally went to the length for a pvp environment. I’ve always wanted it. I originally started MMOs with UO, and in UO there are no battlegrounds or crap like that, just pvp in my realm of felucca. You come to fel, expect a fight.


This whole WvW thing has given me goosebumps, and at the same time a massive headache.

I have read the sticky on the WvW type thing, and while it is extremely enlightening and gave me a certain perspective on what exactly WvW is, I am pretty confused, and I am hoping some generous soul bored out of their mind will be kind enough to answer my questions.

First off:

Heart of the mist. I get it, a little lobby for pvpers. I understand, we are the kings of any kind of game, we are the true players of the game, so hell yea we deserve our own little area.. what kind of confuses me though is the ramp up thing and gear thing.

Right I realize as a level 32 warrior I can’t expect to do anything against a level 80, so they are nice enough to let me in at level " 80 ". But at what cost? I am not allowed any extra traits, I’m stuck with my crappy leveling build and no armor/runes etc. What the heck?

Now correct me if I am wrong, but a level 80 player with all his appropriate gear would be able to smash my face in right due to the sole fact he has his gear and weapons and I’ve got a greatsword of krate slaying.

So what is my role exactly? Carry supplies? Is that is? Do I really stand a chance in WvW? Should I wait until I’m 80 to actually participate in wvw?

What is my purpose? Just to participate and be the not good enough player and a giant meatshield or what? Is there a way I can carry my awesomeness from heart of the mist to WvW?

I am not new to pvp, nor am I new to MMOs, but I am a complete NOOB when it comes to WvW. So any “quick explanation” would make me extremely happy.

If anyone is kind enough to give me a response without TROLLING I would be so grateful, I am but a humble noob asking YOU veterans.

Anyways, thanks in advance, and uh… glad to be a part of this community of guild wars, maybe one of these days I’ll be teaching the future noob instead of learning. Right? :P