Showing Posts For Nangl.8740:
They’re absolute disasters. What happend to Anet’s designers??
They literally picked pieces of some of the worst looking armors in game and added some horrible pointy stuff on them.
Com on, this is suposed to be legendary, how can they be so lazy? At least make NEW horrible designs
This is seriously starting to become ridiculous. When the first visual nerfs happend I didn’t see the point, I didn’t like them, but I accepeted. Then more and more visual nerfs happend and I started to become more and more disapointed.
Today I looked at the aura nerfs and I was seriously shocked. They are pratically invisible, and the little bit of them that is still visible look like crap!
Come on ANet, im gonna have to agree that you’re starting to lose your artistic integrity, which is something I used to respect a lot!
If there really is people who would rather not see their skill effects, at least give us a slider to turn them up or down.
kitten , that was the problem… now I feel dumb lol
Thanks for the insigh!
I’m having the same issue. It was working earlier, I upgraded my account to HoT about 1 hour ago and now I cant see guild chat