Showing Posts For NanoNarse.4816:

Unable to connect on a specific toon

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NanoNarse.4816


This is what I meant by it doesn’t matter which area she’s located. I should have probably been more specific and said ‘map’.

Some maps are far worse than others. LA and Heart of the Mists being the worst (annoying because she’s my main PvP toon). But it’s a problem that occurs everywhere.

Unable to connect on a specific toon

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NanoNarse.4816


I keep having errors connecting on my alt mesmer. Code 7:11:3:189:101

Most of the time, the game will simply fail to get past the loading screen.

It doesn’t matter which area the toon is located. I can be unable to connect with the mesmer, yet have no problem connecting with any of my other toons in the exact same area and spot.

When I do manage to connect, I often experience frequent disconnects and unplayable lag lasting 30+ seconds at a time. Again, only with the one toon.

Remove PvP Daily from Tournaments?

in PvP

Posted by: NanoNarse.4816


I think they can just change the daily achievements to promote better gameplay and teamwork rather than just remove it, maybe even add title for being team players.

Of course! This is by far a better solution than removing Daily altogether.

Remove PvP Daily from Tournaments?

in PvP

Posted by: NanoNarse.4816


Can I rage a little bit about the PvP Daily crowd? I can. Thanks.

I’m sick of my PvP experience being ruined by pugs who are solely concerned about their points and their daily. I’m sure you’ve experienced this. 4 players standing around to cap an uncontested point, allowing the other two to be captured, because they want their Daily Captures. Chasing players around in the middle of nowhere, leaving you outnumbered on a point, because they need their Daily Kills.

I wouldn’t mind if these things weren’t detrimental to team play, and honestly, you don’t even have to go out of your way to obtain Daily if you play 3 games semi-competently. But I see so many people who don’t care about winning, pursuing their daily at any cost, that it just ruins the experience.

I can’t even play with guildies sometimes, because they do the exact same thing.

I doubt this will ever happen, but after having this ruin one too many tPvP games for me, I really think the Daily achievement should be reserved for hotjoining.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NanoNarse.4816


I have been experiencing on and off lag since the Jan 28th patch. According to my download speed drops from 40-60 mb/s when not playing to under 1 mb/s when the game is running.

I’ll end up getting long delays on skills (10-30 seconds) with all characters and mobs frozen. Gameplay will often only resume once my character has downed or died.

This is usually followed by a d/c somewhere down the line.