Showing Posts For Nanogram.5932:

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Nanogram.5932


Well Aralon,

its really sad that you want to ruin our Guildname…. This evidence is a joke…

PS: I am the Ascalon ghost who finishes the ele in the video

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Nanogram.5932


Anet even programmed this mod. It’s called Potion of Ascalonian Mages. They programmed it so well they can even use Portals.

Sorry for the multiple posts, but my internet is trolling me hard right now…

(edited by Nanogram.5932)

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Nanogram.5932


[…] just ashame that the real brains for you server (ECL guild) comes on late at night, i would of had fun crashing them for 5 hours aswell. But some of us have work in the mornings.[…].

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAND again, ECL is playing mainly from 19/20:00 – 22-23:00 , so why do you say you cant fight them because you have to work ??? They got only 25/30 WvW players for 2 Hours and mainly playing on BLs not Eternal.

Seriously Man, thats just wrong what you saying.

Ok then yes i understand ECL may have been in the BL doing evil stuff to FS, but they showed there ugly mugs at SM at around 2200 GMT that 2300CEST, and dont ask me how many. I was to busy killing them. There was about 20+ (one of which was a commander) of them around around SM walls when i left at 2330GMT thats 0030CEST. we could of held SM for about an hour after i left with ease. So that means there was still ECL at SM at around 0030 GMT (0130CEST)
i would back this up with screen shots but i am not a FS player and dont take screen shot of everything just incase they catch someone hacking.

Gratz you killed us!! Lets meet again in a (maybe open) fight. I will be a Sylvari dancing on your corpse.

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Nanogram.5932


@ Xerion.8014

Every one caught cheating in WvW gets reported. Doesnt matter on which server…. We want a fair matchup and fun in PvP……

Nobody gets away with it!!!! They get reported immerdiately!!! If they are spotted and a trustworthy source tells me to report that person I do it. I just hate whining about cheaters….. They are disgusting and should be reported.

So pls stop talking about cheaters! they belong in a diffrent thread.

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Nanogram.5932


@ Xerion.8014

Its really sad to acuse the whole server for cheating… It makes me mad to hear such things… Every one caught cheating in WvW gets reported….. We want a fair matchup and fun in PvP……
About your Prove: Well there is one person!! ONE, ONE single person. That doesnt mean the whole server is cheating. 99% of the server hates cheaters.

This thread is about every server here in GW2 and in other mmorpgs. There will always be cheaters (In my opinion they have small kitten and are disgusting living beings ). All we can do is making sure they are banned.

Friendly Regards,

Guardian of [ECL]

PS: Your posts reveal you in a really bad light (some German phrase translated, dont know how to say it better). I think you should just stop. I think you are a better person than that.

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Nanogram.5932


I am sad to see so many people rage on my post. I thought it had a friendly tone….. If I offended you i am truely sorry. Hf and play Well.

But anyways we will not be last this week.


PS: I dont know why we would stop our 25 People raid in Prime Time. Normaly we start our Guildraid at 7-8pm. And sure every server has his lowlvls. We just said you seem to have a lot.
Again I dont want to offend anyone. If you see a lot of lowlvls in WvWvW try to persuade those people to log on thier mains. It makes the WvWvW better we want to improve the WvWvW.

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Nanogram.5932


Hallo FSP and UW,

Well I realized one thing by reading this Forum Thread. Nobody even wants to change his or her opinion.

Well here is my opinion:

Anet is really trying to fix as many “bugs” as possible. For me Portals (with Culling) is no bug. Anet limited the amount of people who can travel through Portal to a total of 20 people. My culling issues start at a raid size from 40+ people. My Guild ECL almost never use more than 1 portal at one time…. But thats my opinion.

The other thing Anet stated that the match up is supposed to be 24/7. 168 Hours fighting none stopp. Its your right to consider it cheap winning. I consider it cheap that you fight when we have to work. FSP has the most points during 10am until 5pm. Thats the time people work.

Anyways I really like the fights. I always have fun in WvWvW. Thank you FSP for not giving up you always charge and fight!!! Thank you. The fights would be better though if you could fight with lvl 80 and exo gear. Its sad to see how fast your people die… In a lot of fights it was impossible for me to die (really die not downstate). Everytime i got into downstate i was resurected because your lowlvls died. Thats a really big issue.
This is maybe why you complain about giga Zergs. Your lowlvls are nearly useless in real fights. But in real we are most of the time around 20-40 people. I don’t consider 20-40 people a giga Zerg, I really don’t.

This is my opinion and I wanted to state it. I realize some people will be offended by it. If you have a real argument and not only its unfair and cheap please explain it!!! I look forward to it.

Friendly Regards,

Guardian of Eclipse Gaming [ECL]

PS: Have fun and dont stop fighting!!

Drakkar Lake[DE]/ Dzagonur [DE]/ Whiteside Ridge...

in WvW

Posted by: Nanogram.5932


First there are big fights between German Servers. 1 good Example is Millersound and Dzagonur. And Second we arent that good jet. I hate to say that but the French are better than us. Right now the French Servers have better raiting than us. I hope we can Change that.

PS: Dzagonur and Drakkar Zerg isn’t that good. :P


(edited by Nanogram.5932)