Showing Posts For Nasi.5798:

Desolation vs Gandara vs Riverside 6/9

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nasi.5798


LOL @ BORD trying to steal thunder, your currently housing a server wide known hacker in your ranks so please don’t try and take claim to an epic defense of an enemies tower. without you there we would have been fine thank you very much.

Yours Sincerely, Mord

You would, eh? So those 3 YARR guys that were down there with us would have held them all at the choke is what you’re saying? Either YARR doesn’t understand how they were able to spam siege like they did and really think that it was all them, or they know full well that their part in it wasn’t as big as the title of the video suggests and they’re using it to make them look pro. From what I’ve read here, taking credit where credit isn’t due is fine, but calling those people on it is an ego thing.

Kersh Iggon
Band Of Royal Daggers [BORD] – Gandara