Showing Posts For Natalie.5328:
Yup, that was it. The updated chests were added right as I joined the new guild, so I have been waypointing like crazy with 8 characters, one of which has very little money. Apparently it’s supposed to tell you when it’s using your bank funds, but all I get is “Teleport to [wp]?”. Thank you so much, it was driving me crazy!
(edited by Natalie.5328)
Whenever I deposit or withdraw money from my account bank, I always use 5g increments. I never bend this rule. If it’s not an increment of 5g, it’s not going in.
Recently, I joined a new guild and for some reason my bank money is now disappearing at a rate of ~8s a day. One morning I will have 20g in the bank, and the next morning it will be down to a weird number, like 19g 89s 26c. This has occurred every day without fail.
I have given no one my password and there is an authenticator attached to my account. I find it hard to believe that even if someone was somehow on my account, that they would only mess around with 8s a day. Is there a bank ghost stealing my money? I’m at a loss as to what is causing this.
Tarnished Coast (US) is open.
Just got enough for all my shards. Any US open?
Yay! Finally got my title.
However, I do have a quick question. My main shows the 100% complete on the character select under his name/level/profession as it should, but my alt who is 99% world complete and does NOT have everything explored/unfogged on her map is also displaying 100%. Is the map percentage just being generous here and rounding my 99%? It can’t be showing my percent from my main, could it? That wouldn’t make sense as my other lower level alts are all showing (what I assume to be) correct percentages. This isn’t a big issue, was just wondering how that is being calculated.
The devs in this thread have confirmed it’s a bug and they’re working on it.
All we can do is sit and wait for our title. Sigh.
You know, to get that email about someone logging in from some place MEANS that they have your password right?
Why didn’t you change your password? You claim the world is against you, but the one who is trying to hurt you is yourself!
Also, WALL OF TEXT is the worst way to ask for help.
This guy is right. If you get an email that says someone tried to log into your account, they already know your username AND your password. It actually says it RIGHT in the email.
Just want to chime in and say that this is a reoccurring issue for me. Sometimes I will be able to see my queue and other times it will have disappeared. Logging onto other characters in the same guild sometimes “fixes” it, but other times it’ll still be gone.
Now that you mention it, Santor, it looks like the explorable modes may in fact count. The wiki for the Hero achievements state that explorable does count (if that’s anything to go on..). I’m 60/65 Orr and looked up Arah and there appears to be 5 areas in its explorable mode as well. If that IS the case, I still think this might be bugged due to the fact that two different percentages are being displayed.
I finally got my 100% world complete star upon entering the Chantry of Secrets again. The one thing I’m confused about is why two different percentages are being displayed for the “complete character” medal/achievement. The percentage displayed for the “Been There, Done That” title track is 97%, which is also displayed on the account medal on the character select screen. When I actually click my character in character select, it says that the character is 98% complete. I’m pretty sure “Been There, Done That” is linked to the exploration achievements, not the world completion, but why are two different percentages being displayed?
If it helps, here are my exploration achievements:
Krytan: 175/178
Orr: 60/65
Magumma: 162/169
Shiverpeak: 169/177
Ascalon: 179/187
I’d love to know if anyone has actually received the “Been There, Done That” achievement and could chime in with some advice. It feels like I have scraped every inch GW1-style and I cannot understand how I can be missing so many areas in the Shiverpeaks and Ascalon.
Same here. Finally hit 100% and didn’t receive any reward.