Showing Posts For NaughtyDreamz.7285:

Leftovers and Scraps

in Living World

Posted by: NaughtyDreamz.7285


I am writing this in hopes that Anet will seriously consider my main gripe with all of the new revolving content.. In each new “event” or festival we keep getting new stuff and its really put a hurting on my inventory space. I am asking that when an event is over that you either delete the item from game or maybe put a circle crossed out over it. I still have all 3 item finders from various events. I hold on to that stuff not knowing what to dump and we keep getting stuff. I just ask that you would consider automatically getting rid of things (Like the badges) that are no longer useful or if they are then to let us know. For example I can still wear a Gnashblade or Kiel badge does it give a buff of some sort and if so what specifically ? Otherwise can I just chuck them out? A bit of guidance would be great in this type situation. I thank you for your time and appreciate all your hard work !!!

Endless Banners Must Go !!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: NaughtyDreamz.7285


The new banner tonic aka endless tonics are being abused and an eyesore that need to time out when you logout ! Lions Arch is bombarded with them and I would really appreciate it if you could make them disappear when the person logs out or at least on a timer or requirement to be in the area. They are up in Darkhaven and have been up for at least 24 hours!

A lesson in crafting dyes. A cautionary tale

in Crafting

Posted by: NaughtyDreamz.7285


I want to say Thank-You for this post I too have been let down by the not so stellar results. My main issue is availability some of the materials required are really scarce. And as stated sometimes your’re lucky to break even with the costs only to discover that the item you spent gold or silver on is only going for copper in the TP. I feel like there should be a little bit better pay off in percentages with what it takes to craft it. Moral of the story is craft at your own peril and know that you have other less time consuming options!

Lost Hammer

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: NaughtyDreamz.7285


While I have enjoyed the challenge of the dungeon one of the things that put a damper on things is when one of our squad members died and they had the hammer but it fell out of their hand on the way down and it got stuck in the wall and we were stuck! I really hope this gets rectified soon!