Showing Posts For NecrosisHD.7084:
Does anyone have any experience with soloing this path on warrior?
Edit: Im on NA
(edited by NecrosisHD.7084)
what do you have now, and what do you plan to do with it
human and run dungeons
I’m going to delete my warrior and remake the race.
What race and gender should it be?
Where do I get celestial armor?
Preferably for dungeons.
Or is Berserkers still the best route to go?
This is the fifth time this has happened this morning. Last night everything was fine. The whole message says.
The game client lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again. (Code=7:11:3:191:101)
Who are we?
Dark Specialists is a PvX Guild that originates on the Blackgate Sever.
The main goal of Dark Specialists is to create a large community of people who like to have fun.
Currently we do not require 100% rep due to the fact that this is a very new guild and I would hate to keep you confined.
What can you expect from us?
-Guild contests and raffles
-No more lonely nights
-Awesome people to play with
-A place to have fun and be yourself without fear of being judged
Also expect:
-A Guild Website
-Dungeons, WvW, Pvp and Fractals
-Organized Parties
What is expected from you.
Show respect to anyone even if they are not guild mates
Showing pride in being with the guild
Share knowledge with members to improve their experience
Keep your guild mates from feeling alone.
Be up to learn new things
Would anyone mind teaching me how to command EOTM on team speak?
-I currently have a 80 Ele Human and a 80 Ranger Slyvari
-I’m not sure between a Guardian or Warrior.
-Doesn’t have to be a guard or warrior though.
(edited by NecrosisHD.7084)
I have 126 gold to spend or turn into gems and then Ill have 900 gems to spend.
What do you guys recommend I spend it on?
My thoughts:
Commander tag
Ceremonial Plated Armor
I have the basics down I’m just looking for someone cool to play with and to explain the more complicated parts of the games and some tips. Im lvl 40.