Showing Posts For Nedrae.8967:

Stuck on loading

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nedrae.8967


same here, canadian player on EU server

Jade Sea – [BSF]Bourrins Sans Frontières
So pro – So sex

Game losing connection etc

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nedrae.8967


same here, can’t login :/

Jade Sea – [BSF]Bourrins Sans Frontières
So pro – So sex

Can't login from Canada/ 30sec lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nedrae.8967


hi, it’s been 2 weeks now, i have HUGE lag in WvW, at least 30 sec between the time i try to do something and the time it is doing it(even respawning, or getting rewards from capping). This happened before the clipping MaJ and after…
and now, since yesterday i can’t log in AT ALL, error with my “firewall”, if i use a proxy to set my IP as european, it works (didn’t tested yet for the 30sec lag), but my canadian IP can’t reach the server…

error : 42:0:9001:4116

Hope it can be resolved soon

Jade Sea – [BSF]Bourrins Sans Frontières
So pro – So sex

WvWvZ, Zombies... I mean Risen!

in WvW

Posted by: Nedrae.8967


a big +1, i would be really fun, but as a event, not a real map, it would be boring on the long therm i think…

and why not quaggan instead of risen? so we could say one day “yup, the quaggans just took our keep” XD

Jade Sea – [BSF]Bourrins Sans Frontières
So pro – So sex

MVP of GW2 (most valuable player )

in WvW

Posted by: Nedrae.8967


+1 William Wallace n_n

i know Red guard, but i don’t know them personally, and that’s one of the guild i know only by seeing them killing me, no need for MVP xD moreover, most of people only know the hero of his server, i don’t know about what happen in piken/vizu/desolation, how can i vote if i don’t know everybody?

Jade Sea – [BSF]Bourrins Sans Frontières
So pro – So sex

More Sandbox Elements in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Nedrae.8967


i would really enjoy this, beeing able to build your own map, but it might be a little overpowered if you have a little advantage in the beggining, like snowballing the score, a version of “come at me bro, i have full map T3” version, but with more defense x)

I think issues such those can be fixed by getting rid of the tier system, and introducing something akin to alliances which would create a system where number and motivations of each opponent are fluid and variable. Say, if one world or alliance dominated a map, other worlds could team up and try to take that map. This would require redesigning the entire WvW infrastructure, however.

But i think even if the don’t redesign EVERYTHING, they can make the effort to include a little bit of this concept with limitation with pve element, like mobs poping and destroying your barricade and such…

btw, i personally think taht they NEED to redesign 3w, at least the things at stakes, i love the idea of special material with area control, or trade with the server/guild that have this area. Even if they don’t implement it in 3W, they can still implement GvG that way, with a totally new feature =)

Jade Sea – [BSF]Bourrins Sans Frontières
So pro – So sex

More Sandbox Elements in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Nedrae.8967


i would really enjoy this, beeing able to build your own map, but it might be a little overpowered if you have a little advantage in the beggining, like snowballing the score, a version of “come at me bro, i have full map T3” version, but with more defense x)

Jade Sea – [BSF]Bourrins Sans Frontières
So pro – So sex

Please fix Cloak and Dagger skill.

in Thief

Posted by: Nedrae.8967


yeah, “slight adjustments”… and can we nurf mesmer, i can’t find them with all their illusions, and guard plz, i can’t one shot them, and warrior, their hammer have way to much control…

Jade Sea – [BSF]Bourrins Sans Frontières
So pro – So sex