I logged in this morning super excited to finish my monthly achievements. I have been grinding WvW for the 50 kills needed, and I have to tell you, I’m not a huge fan of WvW, but I figured the reward for completing the monthly objectives would be well worth the 10+ hours spend getting destroyed in WvW. I finally completed got my 50 WvW kills! I click on the box, and of course I get the 20 mystic coins. Pretty sweet… But then I notice I get 38 copper… Seriously…? 38 copper….? That doesnt even cover half of one of my many repair bills from WvW. I could have grinded out some rare mats for 30 mins, sold them on the trader, then just bought the mystic coins with that money. I spent a lot of time dedicating myself to getting the monthly achievement, and while I still love this game, I’m very disappointed in the pay out. If the amount of coin stays the same, I really see no point in even worrying about the monthly achievements. Please up the amount of coin. 38 copper is just crazy low for the amount of time and work put in.